Source code for solarforecastarbiter.metrics.probabilistic

"""Probablistic forecast error metrics."""

import numpy as np

[docs]def brier_score(obs, fx, fx_prob): """Brier Score (BS). BS = 1/n sum_{i=1}^n (f_i - o_i)^2 where n is the number of forecasts, f_i is the forecasted probability of event i, and o_i is the observed event indicator (o_i=0: event did not occur, o_i=1: event occured). The forecasts are supplied as the right-hand-side of a CDF interval, e.g., forecast <= 10 MW at time i, and therefore o_i is defined as: o_i = 1 if obs_i <= fx_i, else o_i = 0 where fx_i and obs_i are the forecast and observation at time i, respectively. Parameters ---------- obs : (n,) array_like Observations (physical unit). fx : (n,) array_like Forecasts (physical units) of the right-hand-side of a CDF interval, e.g., fx = 10 MW is interpreted as forecasting <= 10 MW. fx_prob : (n,) array_like Probability [%] associated with the forecasts. Returns ------- bs : float The Brier Score [unitless], bounded between 0 and 1, where values closer to 0 indicate better forecast performance and values closer to 1 indicate worse performance. Notes ----- The Brier Score implemented in this function is for binary outcomes only, rather than the more general (but less commonly used) categorical version. """ # event: 0=did not happen, 1=did happen o = np.where(obs <= fx, 1.0, 0.0) # forecast probabilities [unitless] f = fx_prob / 100.0 bs = np.mean((f - o) ** 2) return bs
[docs]def brier_skill_score(obs, fx, fx_prob, ref, ref_prob): """Brier Skill Score (BSS). BSS = 1 - BS_fx / BS_ref where BS_fx is the Brier Score of the evaluated forecast and BS_ref is the Brier Score of a reference forecast. Parameters ---------- obs : (n,) array_like Observations (physical unit). fx : (n,) array_like Forecasts (physical units) of the right-hand-side of a CDF interval, e.g., fx = 10 MW is interpreted as forecasting <= 10 MW. fx_prob : (n,) array_like Probability [%] associated with the forecasts. ref : (n,) array_like Reference forecast (physical units) of the right-hand-side of a CDF interval. ref_prob : (n,) array_like Probability [%] associated with the reference forecast. Returns ------- skill : float The Brier Skill Score [unitless]. """ bs_fx = brier_score(obs, fx, fx_prob) bs_ref = brier_score(obs, ref, ref_prob) skill = 1.0 - bs_fx / bs_ref return skill
[docs]def quantile_score(obs, fx, fx_prob): """Quantile Score (QS). .. math:: \\text{QS} = \\frac{1}{n} \\sum_{i=1}^n (fx_i - obs_i) * (p - 1\\{obs_i > fx_i\\}) where :math:`n` is the number of forecasts, :math:`obs_i` is an observation, :math:`fx_i` is a forecast, :math:`1\\{obs_i > fx_i\\}` is an indicator function (1 if :math:`obs_i > fx_i`, 0 otherwise) and :math:`p` is the probability that :math:`obs_i <= fx_i`. [1]_ [2]_ If :math:`obs > fx`, then we have: .. math:: (fx - obs) < 0 \\\\ (p - 1\\{obs > fx\\}) = (p - 1) <= 0 \\\\ (fx - obs) * (p - 1) >= 0 If instead :math:`obs < fx`, then we have: .. math:: (fx - obs) > 0 \\\\ (p - 1\\{obs > fx\\}) = (p - 0) >= 0 \\\\ (fx - obs) * p >= 0 Therefore, the quantile score is non-negative regardless of the obs and fx. Parameters ---------- obs : (n,) array_like Observations (physical unit). fx : (n,) array_like Forecasts (physical units) of the right-hand-side of a CDF interval, e.g., fx = 10 MW is interpreted as forecasting <= 10 MW. fx_prob : (n,) array_like Probability [%] associated with the forecasts. Returns ------- qs : float The Quantile Score, with the same units as the observations. Notes ----- Quantile score is meant to be computed for a single probability of :math:`n` samples. Examples -------- >>> obs = 100 # observation [MW] >>> fx = 80 # forecast [MW] >>> fx_prob = 60 # probability [%] >>> quantile_score(obs, fx, fx_prob) # score [MW] 8.0 References ---------- .. [1] Koenker and Bassett, Jr. (1978) "Regression Quantiles", Econometrica 46 (1), pp. 33-50. doi: 10.2307/1913643 .. [2] Wilks (2020) "Forecast Verification". In "Statistical Methods in the Atmospheric Sciences" (3rd edition). Academic Press. ISBN: 9780123850225 """ # NOQA: E501,W605 # Prob(obs <= fx) = p p = fx_prob / 100.0 qs = np.mean((fx - obs) * (p - np.where(obs > fx, 1.0, 0.0))) return qs
[docs]def quantile_skill_score(obs, fx, fx_prob, ref, ref_prob): """Quantile Skill Score (QSS). .. math:: \\text{QSS} = 1 - \\text{QS}_{\\text{fx}} / \\text{QS}_{\\text{ref}} where :math:`\\text{QS}_{\\text{fx}}` is the Quantile Score of the evaluated forecast and :math:`\\text{QS}_{\\text{ref}}` is the Quantile Score of a reference forecast. [1]_ Parameters ---------- obs : (n,) array_like Observations (physical unit). fx : (n,) array_like Forecasts (physical units) of the right-hand-side of a CDF interval, e.g., fx = 10 MW is interpreted as forecasting <= 10 MW. fx_prob : (n,) array_like Probability [%] associated with the forecasts. ref : (n,) array_like Reference forecast (physical units) of the right-hand-side of a CDF interval. ref_prob : (n,) array_like Probability [%] associated with the reference forecast. Returns ------- skill : float The Quantile Skill Score [unitless]. References ---------- .. [1] Bouallegue, Pinson and Friederichs (2015) "Quantile forecast discrimination ability and value", Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 141, pp. 3415-3424. doi: 10.1002/qj.2624 Notes ----- This function returns 0 if QS_fx and QS_ref are both 0. See Also -------- :py:func:`solarforecastarbiter.metrics.probabilistic.quantile_score` """ qs_fx = quantile_score(obs, fx, fx_prob) qs_ref = quantile_score(obs, ref, ref_prob) # avoid 0 / 0 --> nan if qs_fx == qs_ref: return 0.0 elif qs_ref == 0.0: # avoid divide by 0 # typically caused by deadbands and short time periods return np.NINF else: return 1.0 - qs_fx / qs_ref
def _unique_forecasts(f): """Convert forecast probabilities to a set of unique values. Determine a set of unique forecast probabilities, based on input forecast probabilities of arbitrary precision, and approximate the input probabilities to lie within the set of unique values. Parameters ---------- f : (n,) array_like Probability [unitless] associated with the forecasts. Returns ------- f_uniq : (n,) array_like The converted forecast probabilities [unitless]. Notes ----- This implementation determines the set of unique forecast probabilities by rounding the input probabilities to a precision determined by the number of input probability values: if less than 1000 samples, bin by tenths; otherwise bin by hundredths. Examples -------- >>> f = np.array([0.1234, 0.156891, 0.10561]) >>> _unique_forecasts(f) array([0.1, 0.2, 0.1]) """ if len(f) >= 1000: n_decimals = 2 # bin by hundredths (0.01, 0.02, etc.) else: n_decimals = 1 # bin by tenths (0.1, 0.2, etc.) f_uniq = np.around(f, decimals=n_decimals) return f_uniq
[docs]def brier_decomposition(obs, fx, fx_prob): """The 3-component decomposition of the Brier Score. BS = REL - RES + UNC where REL is the reliability, RES is the resolution and UNC is the uncertatinty. Parameters ---------- obs : (n,) array_like Observations (physical unit). fx : (n,) array_like Forecasts (physical units) of the right-hand-side of a CDF interval, e.g., fx = 10 MW is interpreted as forecasting <= 10 MW. fx_prob : (n,) array_like Probability [%] associated with the forecasts. Returns ------- rel : float The reliability of the forecast [unitless], where a perfectly reliable forecast has value of 0. res : float The resolution of the forecast [unitless], where higher values are better. unc : float The uncertainty [unitless], where lower values indicate the event being forecasted occurs rarely. Notes ----- The current implementation iterates over the unique forecasts to compute the reliability and resolution, rather than using a vectorized formulation. While a vectorized formulation may be more computationally efficient, the clarity of the iterate version outweighs the efficiency gains from the vectorized version. Additionally, the number of unique forecasts is currently capped at 100, which small enough that there is likely no practical difference in computation time between the iterate vs vectorized versions. """ # event: 0=did not happen, 1=did happen o = np.where(obs <= fx, 1.0, 0.0) # forecast probabilities [unitless] f = fx_prob / 100.0 # get unique forecast probabilities by binning f = _unique_forecasts(f) # reliability and resolution rel, res = 0.0, 0.0 o_avg = np.mean(o) for f_i, N_i in np.nditer(np.unique(f, return_counts=True)): o_i = np.mean(o[f == f_i]) # mean event value per set rel += N_i * (f_i - o_i) ** 2 res += N_i * (o_i - o_avg) ** 2 rel /= len(f) res /= len(f) # uncertainty base_rate = np.mean(o) unc = base_rate * (1.0 - base_rate) return rel, res, unc
[docs]def reliability(obs, fx, fx_prob): """Reliability (REL) of the forecast. REL = 1/n sum_{i=1}^I N_i (f_i - o_{i,avg})^2 where n is the total number of forecasts, I is the number of unique forecasts (f_1, f_2, ..., f_I), N_i is the number of times each unique forecast occurs, o_{i,avg} is the average of the observed events during which the forecast was f_i. Parameters ---------- obs : (n,) array_like Observations (physical unit). fx : (n,) array_like Forecasts (physical units) of the right-hand-side of a CDF interval, e.g., fx = 10 MW is interpreted as forecasting <= 10 MW. fx_prob : (n,) array_like Probability [%] associated with the forecasts. Returns ------- rel : float The reliability of the forecast [unitless], where a perfectly reliable forecast has value of 0. See Also -------- brier_decomposition : 3-component decomposition of the Brier Score """ rel = brier_decomposition(obs, fx, fx_prob)[0] return rel
[docs]def resolution(obs, fx, fx_prob): """Resolution (RES) of the forecast. RES = 1/n sum_{i=1}^I N_i (o_{i,avg} - o_{avg})^2 where n is the total number of forecasts, I is the number of unique forecasts (f_1, f_2, ..., f_I), N_i is the number of times each unique forecast occurs, o_{i,avg} is the average of the observed events during which the forecast was f_i, and o_{avg} is the average of all observed events. Parameters ---------- obs : (n,) array_like Observations (physical unit). fx : (n,) array_like Forecasts (physical units) of the right-hand-side of a CDF interval, e.g., fx = 10 MW is interpreted as forecasting <= 10 MW. fx_prob : (n,) array_like Probability [%] associated with the forecasts. Returns ------- res : float The resolution of the forecast [unitless], where higher values are better. See Also -------- brier_decomposition : 3-component decomposition of the Brier Score """ res = brier_decomposition(obs, fx, fx_prob)[1] return res
[docs]def uncertainty(obs, fx, fx_prob): """Uncertainty (UNC) of the forecast. UNC = base_rate * (1 - base_rate) where base_rate = 1/n sum_{i=1}^n o_i, and o_i is the observed event. Parameters ---------- obs : (n,) array_like Observations (physical unit). fx : (n,) array_like Forecasts (physical units) of the right-hand-side of a CDF interval, e.g., fx = 10 MW is interpreted as forecasting <= 10 MW. fx_prob : (n,) array_like Probability [%] associated with the forecasts. Returns ------- unc : float The uncertainty [unitless], where lower values indicate the event being forecasted occurs rarely. See Also -------- brier_decomposition : 3-component decomposition of the Brier Score """ unc = brier_decomposition(obs, fx, fx_prob)[2] return unc
[docs]def sharpness(fx_lower, fx_upper): """Sharpness (SH). SH = 1/n sum_{i=1}^n (f_{u,i} - f_{l,i}) where n is the total number of forecasts, f_{u,i} is the upper prediction interval value and f_{l,i} is the lower prediction interval value for sample i. Parameters ---------- fx_lower : (n,) array_like The lower prediction interval values (physical units). fx_upper : (n,) array_like The upper prediction interval values (physical units). Returns ------- SH : float The sharpness (physical units), where smaller sharpness values indicate "tighter" prediction intervals. """ sh = np.mean(fx_upper - fx_lower) return sh
[docs]def continuous_ranked_probability_score(obs, fx, fx_prob): """Continuous Ranked Probability Score (CRPS). .. math:: \\text{CRPS} = \\frac{1}{n} \\sum_{i=1}^n \\int_{-\\infty}^{\\infty} (F_i(x) - \\mathbf{1} \\{x \\geq y_i \\})^2 dx where :math:`F_i(x)` is the CDF of the forecast at time :math:`i`, :math:`y_i` is the observation at time :math:`i`, and :math:`\\mathbf{1}` is the indicator function that transforms the observation into a step function (1 if :math:`x \\geq y`, 0 if :math:`x < y`). In other words, the CRPS measures the difference between the forecast CDF and the empirical CDF of the observation. The CRPS has the same units as the observation. Lower CRPS values indicate more accurate forecasts, where a CRPS of 0 indicates a perfect forecast. [1]_ [2]_ [3]_ Parameters ---------- obs : (n,) array_like Observations (physical unit). fx : (n, d) array_like Forecasts (physical units) of the right-hand-side of a CDF with d intervals (d >= 2), e.g., fx = [10 MW, 20 MW, 30 MW] is interpreted as <= 10 MW, <= 20 MW, <= 30 MW. fx_prob : (n, d) array_like Probability [%] associated with the forecasts. Returns ------- crps : float The Continuous Ranked Probability Score, with the same units as the observation. Raises ------ ValueError If the forecasts have incorrect dimensions; either a) the forecasts are for a single sample (n=1) with d CDF intervals but are given as a 1D array with d values or b) the forecasts are given as 2D arrays (n,d) but do not contain at least 2 CDF intervals (i.e. d < 2). Notes ----- The CRPS can be calculated analytically when the forecast CDF is of a continuous parametric distribution, e.g., Gaussian distribution. However, since the Solar Forecast Arbiter makes no assumptions regarding how a probabilistic forecast was generated, the CRPS is instead calculated using numerical integration of the discretized forecast CDF. Therefore, the accuracy of the CRPS calculation is limited by the precision of the forecast CDF. In practice, this means the forecast CDF should 1) consist of at least 10 intervals and 2) cover probabilities from 0% to 100%. References ---------- .. [1] Matheson and Winkler (1976) "Scoring rules for continuous probability distributions." Management Science, vol. 22, pp. 1087-1096. doi: 10.1287/mnsc.22.10.1087 .. [2] Hersbach (2000) "Decomposition of the continuous ranked probability score for ensemble prediction systems." Weather Forecast, vol. 15, pp. 559-570. doi: 10.1175/1520-0434(2000)015<0559:DOTCRP>2.0.CO;2 .. [3] Wilks (2019) "Statistical Methods in the Atmospheric Sciences", 4th ed. Oxford; Waltham, MA; Academic Press. """ # match observations to fx shape: (n,) => (n, d) if np.ndim(fx) < 2: raise ValueError("forecasts must be 2D arrays (expected (n,d), got" f"{np.shape(fx)})") elif np.shape(fx)[1] < 2: raise ValueError("forecasts must have d >= 2 CDF intervals " f"(expected >= 2, got {np.shape(fx)[1]})") n = len(fx) # extend CDF min to ensure obs within forecast support # fx.shape = (n, d) ==> (n, d + 1) fx_min = np.minimum(obs, fx[:, 0]) fx = np.hstack([fx_min[:, np.newaxis], fx]) fx_prob = np.hstack([np.zeros([n, 1]), fx_prob]) # extend CDF max to ensure obs within forecast support # fx.shape = (n, d + 1) ==> (n, d + 2) idx = (fx[:, -1] < obs) fx_max = np.maximum(obs, fx[:, -1]) fx = np.hstack([fx, fx_max[:, np.newaxis]]) fx_prob = np.hstack([fx_prob, np.full([n, 1], 100)]) # indicator function: # - left of the obs is 0.0 # - obs and right of the obs is 1.0 o = np.where(fx >= obs[:, np.newaxis], 1.0, 0.0) # correct behavior when obs > max fx: # - should be 0 over range: max fx < x < obs o[idx, -1] = 0.0 # forecast probabilities [unitless] f = fx_prob / 100.0 # integrate along each sample, then average all samples crps = np.mean(np.trapz((f - o) ** 2, x=fx, axis=1)) return crps
[docs]def crps_skill_score(obs, fx, fx_prob, ref, ref_prob): """CRPS skill score. CRPSS = 1 - CRPS_fx / CRPS_ref where CRPS_fx is the CPRS of the evaluated forecast and CRPS_ref is the CRPS of a reference forecast. Parameters ---------- obs : (n,) array_like Observations (physical unit). fx : (n, d) array_like Forecasts (physical units) of the right-hand-side of a CDF with d intervals (d >= 2), e.g., fx = [10 MW, 20 MW, 30 MW] is interpreted as <= 10 MW, <= 20 MW, <= 30 MW. fx_prob : (n,) array_like Probability [%] associated with the forecasts. ref : (n, d) array_like Reference forecasts (physical units) of the right-hand-side of a CDF with d intervals (d >= 2), e.g., fx = [10 MW, 20 MW, 30 MW] is interpreted as <= 10 MW, <= 20 MW, <= 30 MW. ref_prob : (n,) array_like Probability [%] associated with the reference forecast. Returns ------- skill : float The CRPS skill score [unitless]. See Also -------- :py:func:`solarforecastarbiter.metrics.probabilistic.continuous_ranked_probability_score` """ if np.isscalar(ref): return np.nan else: crps_fx = continuous_ranked_probability_score(obs, fx, fx_prob) crps_ref = continuous_ranked_probability_score(obs, ref, ref_prob) if crps_fx == crps_ref: return 0.0 elif crps_ref == 0.0: # avoid divide by zero return np.NINF else: return 1 - crps_fx / crps_ref
# Add new metrics to this map to map shorthand to function _MAP = { 'bs': (brier_score, 'BS'), 'bss': (brier_skill_score, 'BSS'), 'rel': (reliability, 'REL'), 'res': (resolution, 'RES'), 'unc': (uncertainty, 'UNC'), 'qs': (quantile_score, 'QS'), 'qss': (quantile_skill_score, 'QSS'), # 'sh': (sharpness, 'SH'), # TODO 'crps': (continuous_ranked_probability_score, 'CRPS'), 'crpss': (crps_skill_score, 'CRPSS'), } __all__ = [m[0].__name__ for m in _MAP.values()] # Functions that require a reference forecast _REQ_REF_FX = ['bss', 'qss', 'crpss'] # Functions that require normalized factor _REQ_NORM = [] # Functions that require full distribution forecasts (as 2dim) _REQ_DIST = ['crps', 'crpss'] # TODO: Functions that require two forecasts (e.g., sharpness) # _REQ_FX_FX = ['sh']