Source code for solarforecastarbiter.metrics.event

"""Event forecast error metrics."""

import numpy as np

def _event2count(obs, fx):
    """Convert events (True/False) into counts.

    Given forecasts and observations of events (True=event occurred,
    False=event did not occur), the pairs of forecasts and observations can be
    placed into four categories:
    - True Positive (TP): forecast = event, observed = event
    - False Positive (FP): forecast = event, observed = no event
    - True Negative (TN): forecast = no event, observed = no event
    - False Negative (FN): forecast = no event, observed = event

    obs : (n,) array-like
        Observed event values (True=event, False=no event).
    fx : (n,) array-like
        Forecasted event values (True=event, False=no event).

    tp : int
        Number of true positives.
    fp : int
        Number of false positives.
    tn : int
        Number of true negatives.
    fn : int
        Number of false negatives.

        If there is no forecast or observation timeseries data, or the forecast
        and observation timeseries data do not have the same length.


    obs = np.asarray(obs)
    fx = np.asarray(fx)

    if len(obs) == 0:
        raise RuntimeError("No Observation timeseries data.")
    elif len(fx) == 0:
        raise RuntimeError("No Forecast timeseries data.")
    elif len(obs) != len(fx):
        raise RuntimeError("Forecast and Observation timeseries data do not "
                           "have the same length.")

    tp = np.count_nonzero(np.logical_and(fx, obs))
    fp = np.count_nonzero(np.logical_and(fx, ~obs))
    tn = np.count_nonzero(np.logical_and(~fx, ~obs))
    fn = np.count_nonzero(np.logical_and(~fx, obs))
    return tp, fp, tn, fn

[docs]def probability_of_detection(obs, fx): """Probability of Detection (POD). .. math:: \\text{POD} = \\text{TP} / (\\text{TP} + \\text{FN}) Parameters ---------- obs : (n,) array-like Observed event values (True=event, False=no event). fx : (n,) array-like Forecasted event values (True=event, False=no event). Returns ------- pod : float The POD of the forecast. Raises ------ RuntimeError If there is no forecast or observation timeseries data, or the forecast and observation timeseries data do not have the same length. """ tp, fp, tn, fn = _event2count(obs, fx) if (tp + fn) == 0: return 0.0 else: return tp / (tp + fn)
[docs]def false_alarm_ratio(obs, fx): """False Alarm Ratio (FAR). .. math:: \\text{FAR} = \\text{FP} / (\\text{TP} + \\text{FP}) Parameters ---------- obs : (n,) array-like Observed event values (True=event, False=no event). fx : (n,) array-like Forecasted event values (True=event, False=no event). Returns ------- far : float The FAR of the forecast. Raises ------ RuntimeError If there is no forecast or observation timeseries data, or the forecast and observation timeseries data do not have the same length. """ tp, fp, tn, fn = _event2count(obs, fx) if (tp + fp) == 0: return 0.0 else: return fp / (tp + fp)
[docs]def probability_of_false_detection(obs, fx): """Probability of False Detection (POFD). .. math:: \\text{POFD} = \\text{FP} / (\\text{FP} + \\text{TN}) Parameters ---------- obs : (n,) array-like Observed event values (True=event, False=no event). fx : (n,) array-like Forecasted event values (True=event, False=no event). Returns ------- pofd : float The POFD of the forecast. Raises ------ RuntimeError If there is no forecast or observation timeseries data, or the forecast and observation timeseries data do not have the same length. """ tp, fp, tn, fn = _event2count(obs, fx) if (fp + tn) == 0: return 0.0 else: return fp / (fp + tn)
[docs]def critical_success_index(obs, fx): """Critical Success Index (CSI). .. math:: \\text{CSI} = \\text{TP} / (\\text{TP} + \\text{FP} + \\text{FN}) Parameters ---------- obs : (n,) array-like Observed event values (True=event, False=no event). fx : (n,) array-like Forecasted event values (True=event, False=no event). Returns ------- csi : float The CSI of the forecast. Raises ------ RuntimeError If there is no forecast or observation timeseries data, or the forecast and observation timeseries data do not have the same length. """ tp, fp, tn, fn = _event2count(obs, fx) if (tp + fp + fn) == 0: return 0.0 else: return tp / (tp + fp + fn)
[docs]def event_bias(obs, fx): """Event Bias (EBIAS). .. math:: \\text{EBIAS} = (\\text{TP} + \\text{FP}) / (\\text{TP} + \\text{FN}) # NOQA Parameters ---------- obs : (n,) array-like Observed event values (True=event, False=no event). fx : (n,) array-like Forecasted event values (True=event, False=no event). Returns ------- ebias : float The EBIAS of the forecast. Raises ------ RuntimeError If there is no forecast or observation timeseries data, or the forecast and observation timeseries data do not have the same length. """ tp, fp, tn, fn = _event2count(obs, fx) if (tp + fn) == 0: return 0.0 else: return (tp + fp) / (tp + fn)
[docs]def event_accuracy(obs, fx): """Event Accuracy (EA). .. math:: \\text{EA} = (\\text{TP} + \\text{TN}) / n where n is the number of samples. Parameters ---------- obs : (n,) array-like Observed event values (True=event, False=no event). fx : (n,) array-like Forecasted event values (True=event, False=no event). Returns ------- ea : float The EA of the forecast. Raises ------ RuntimeError If there is no forecast or observation timeseries data, or the forecast and observation timeseries data do not have the same length. """ n = len(obs) tp, fp, tn, fn = _event2count(obs, fx) return (tp + tn) / n
# Add new metrics to this map to map shorthand to function _MAP = { 'pod': (probability_of_detection, 'POD'), 'far': (false_alarm_ratio, 'FAR'), 'pofd': (probability_of_false_detection, 'POFD'), 'csi': (critical_success_index, 'CSI'), 'ebias': (event_bias, 'EBIAS'), 'ea': (event_accuracy, 'EA') } __all__ = [m[0].__name__ for m in _MAP.values()] # Functions that require a reference forecast _REQ_REF_FX = [] # Functions that require normalized factor _REQ_NORM = []