Source code for solarforecastarbiter.metrics.deterministic

"""Deterministic forecast error metrics."""
import datetime as dt
from functools import partial

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy as sp
from statsmodels.distributions.empirical_distribution import ECDF

[docs]def deadband_mask(obs, fx, deadband): """Calculate deadband mask. .. math:: \\text{mask_i} = | fx_i - obs_i | <= deadband * | obs_i | Floating point arithmetic makes the equality difficult to guarantee so do not rely on it. Equality Parameters ---------- obs : (n,) array_like Observed values. fx : (n,) array_like Forecasted values. deadband : float Fractional tolerance relative to the observed values. Returns ------- mask : array_like 1 if a point is within the deadband, 0 if not """ return np.isclose(fx, obs, rtol=deadband)
[docs]def error(obs, fx): """The difference :math:`fx - obs`""" return fx - obs
[docs]def error_deadband(obs, fx, deadband): """Error fx - obs, accounting for a deadband. error = 0 for points where error <= deadband * obs error = fx - obs for points where error > deadband * obs Parameters ---------- obs : (n,) array_like Observed values. fx : (n,) array_like Forecasted values. deadband : float Fractional tolerance Returns ------- error : array_like The error accounting for a deadband. """ error = fx - obs mask = deadband_mask(obs, fx, deadband) error = np.where(mask, 0, error) return error
[docs]def mean_absolute(obs, fx, error_fnc=error): """Mean absolute error (MAE). .. math:: \\text{MAE} = 1/n \\sum_{i=1}^n |\\text{fx}_i - \\text{obs}_i| Parameters ---------- obs : (n,) array-like Observed values. fx : (n,) array-like Forecasted values. error_fnc : function A function that returns the error, default fx - obs. First argument is obs, second argument is fx. Returns ------- mae : float The MAE of the forecast. Examples -------- Standard MAE: >>> obs = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]) >>> fx = np.array([2, 2.04, 2, 3.96]) >>> mean_absolute(obs, fx) 0.52 MAE with a deadband: >>> error_fnc = partial(error_deadband, deadband=0.05) >>> mean_absolute(obs, fx, error_fnc=error_fnc) 0.5 """ error = error_fnc(obs, fx) return np.mean(np.abs(error))
[docs]def mean_bias(obs, fx, error_fnc=error): """Mean bias error (MBE). .. math:: \\text{MBE} = 1/n \\sum_{i=1}^n (\\text{fx}_i - \\text{obs}_i) Parameters ---------- obs : (n,) array-like Observed values. fx : (n,) array-like Forecasted values. error_fnc : function A function that returns the error, default fx - obs. First argument is obs, second argument is fx. Returns ------- mbe : float The MBE of the forecast. """ error = error_fnc(obs, fx) return np.mean(error)
[docs]def root_mean_square(obs, fx, error_fnc=error): """Root mean square error (RMSE). .. math:: \\text{RMSE} = \\sqrt{ 1/n \\sum_{i=1}^n (\\text{fx}_i - \\text{obs}_i)^2 } Parameters ---------- obs : (n,) array-like Observed values. fx : (n,) array-like Forecasted values. error_fnc : function A function that returns the error, default fx - obs. First argument is obs, second argument is fx. Returns ------- rmse : float The RMSE of the forecast. """ error = error_fnc(obs, fx) return np.sqrt(np.mean(error * error))
[docs]def mean_absolute_percentage(obs, fx, error_fnc=error): """Mean absolute percentage error (MAPE). .. math:: \\text{MAPE} = 1/n \\sum_{i=1}^n | (\\text{fx}_i - \\text{obs}_i) / \\text{obs}_i | * 100% Parameters ---------- obs : (n,) array-like Observed values. fx : (n,) array-like Forecasted values. error_fnc : function A function that returns the error, default fx - obs. First argument is obs, second argument is fx. Returns ------- mape : float The MAPE [%] of the forecast. """ error = error_fnc(obs, fx) return np.mean(np.abs(error / obs)) * 100.0
[docs]def normalized_mean_absolute(obs, fx, norm, error_fnc=error): """Normalized mean absolute error (NMAE). .. math:: \\text{NMAE} = \\text{MAE} / \\text{norm} * 100% Parameters ---------- obs : (n,) array-like Observed values. fx : (n,) array-like Forecasted values. norm : float Normalized factor, in the same units as obs and fx. error_fnc : function A function that returns the error, default fx - obs. First argument is obs, second argument is fx. Returns ------- nmae : float The NMAE [%] of the forecast. """ return mean_absolute(obs, fx, error_fnc=error_fnc) / norm * 100.0
[docs]def normalized_mean_bias(obs, fx, norm, error_fnc=error): """Normalized mean bias error (NMBE). .. math:: \\text{NMBE} = \\text{MBE} / \\text{norm} * 100% Parameters ---------- obs : (n,) array-like Observed values. fx : (n,) array-like Forecasted values. norm : float Normalized factor, in the same units as obs and fx. error_fnc : function A function that returns the error, default fx - obs. First argument is obs, second argument is fx. Returns ------- nmbe : float The NMBE [%] of the forecast. """ return mean_bias(obs, fx, error_fnc=error_fnc) / norm * 100.0
[docs]def normalized_root_mean_square(obs, fx, norm, error_fnc=error): """Normalized root mean square error (NRMSE). .. math:: \\text{NRMSE} = \\text{RMSE} / \\text{norm} * 100% Parameters ---------- obs : (n,) array-like Observed values. fx : (n,) array-like Forecasted values. norm : float Normalized factor, in the same units as obs and fx. error_fnc : function A function that returns the error, default fx - obs. First argument is obs, second argument is fx. Returns ------- nrmse : float The NRMSE [%] of the forecast. """ return root_mean_square(obs, fx, error_fnc=error_fnc) / norm * 100.0
[docs]def forecast_skill(obs, fx, ref, error_fnc=error): """Forecast skill (s). .. math:: s = 1 - \\text{RMSE}_\\text{fx} / \\text{RMSE}_\\text{ref} where RMSE_fx is the RMSE of the forecast and RMSE_ref is the RMSE of the reference forecast (e.g. Persistence). Parameters ---------- obs : (n,) array-like Observed values. fx : (n,) array-like Forecasted values. ref : (n,) array_like Reference forecast values. error_fnc : function A function that returns the error, default fx - obs. First argument is obs, second argument is fx. Returns ------- s : float The forecast skill [-] of the forecast relative to a reference forecast. Notes ----- This function returns 0 if RMSE_fx and RMSE_ref are both 0. """ rmse_fx = root_mean_square(obs, fx, error_fnc=error_fnc) rmse_ref = root_mean_square(obs, ref, error_fnc=error_fnc) # avoid 0 / 0 --> nan if rmse_fx == rmse_ref: return 0. elif rmse_ref == 0.: # avoid divide by 0. # typically caused by deadbands and short time periods return np.NINF else: return 1.0 - rmse_fx / rmse_ref
[docs]def pearson_correlation_coeff(obs, fx): """Pearson correlation coefficient (r). .. math:: r = A / (B * C) where: .. math:: A = \\sum_{i=1}^n (\\text{fx}_i - \\text{fx}_\\text{avg}) * (\\text{obs}_i - \\text{obs}_\\text{avg}) .. math:: B = \\sqrt{ \\sum_{i=1}^n (\\text{fx}_i - \\text{fx}_\\text{avg})^2 } .. math:: C = \\sqrt{ \\sum_{i=1}^n (\\text{obs}_i - \\text{obs}_\\text{avg})^2 } .. math:: \\text{fx}_\\text{avg} = 1/n \\sum_{i=1} \\text{fx}_i .. math:: \\text{obs}_\\text{avg} = 1/n \\sum_{i=1} \\text{obs}_i Parameters ---------- obs : (n,) array-like Observed values. fx : (n,) array-like Forecasted values. Returns ------- r : float The correlation coefficient (r [-]) of the observations and forecasts. """ # NOQA try: r, _ = sp.stats.pearsonr(obs, fx) except ValueError: r = np.nan return r
[docs]def coeff_determination(obs, fx): """Coefficient of determination (R^2). .. math:: R^2 = 1 - (A / B) where: .. math:: A = \\sum_{i=1}^n (\\text{obs}_i - \\text{fx}_i)^2 .. math:: B = \\sum_{i=1}^n (\\text{obs}_i - \\text{obs}_\\text{avg})^2 .. math:: \\text{obs}_\\text{avg} = 1/n \\sum_{i=1} \\text{obs}_i Parameters ---------- obs : (n,) array-like Observed values. fx : (n,) array-like Forecasted values. Returns ------- r2 : float The coefficient of determination (R^2 [-]) of the observations and forecasts. """ ss_res = np.sum((obs - fx) ** 2) ss_tot = np.sum((obs - np.mean(obs)) ** 2) return 1.0 - ss_res / ss_tot
[docs]def centered_root_mean_square(obs, fx): """Centered (unbiased) root mean square error (CRMSE): .. math:: \\text{CRMSE} = \\sqrt{1/n \\sum_{i=1}^n ( (\\text{fx}_i - \\text{fx}_\\text{avg}) - (\\text{obs}_i - \\text{obs}_\\text{avg}))^2 } where: .. math:: \\text{fx}_\\text{avg} = 1/n \\sum_{i=1} \\text{fx}_i .. math:: \\text{obs}_\\text{avg} = 1/n \\sum_{i=1} \\text{obs}_i Parameters ---------- obs : (n,) array-like Observed values. fx : (n,) array-like Forecasted values. Returns ------- crmse : float The CRMSE of the forecast. """ return np.sqrt(np.mean( ((fx - np.mean(fx)) - (obs - np.mean(obs))) ** 2 ))
def _careful_ratio(obs_stat, fx_stat): if obs_stat == fx_stat: ratio = 1. elif obs_stat == 0.: ratio = np.Inf else: ratio = fx_stat / obs_stat return ratio
[docs]def relative_euclidean_distance(obs, fx): r"""Relative Euclidean distance (D): .. math:: \text{D} = \sqrt{ \left( \frac{\overline{\text{fx}} - \overline{\text{obs}} } { \overline{\text{obs}} } \right) ^ 2 + \left( \frac{\sigma_{\text{fx}} - \sigma_{\text{obs}} } { \sigma_{\text{obs}} } \right) ^ 2 + \left( \textrm{corr} - 1 \right) ^ 2 } where: * :math:`\overline{\text{fx}}` is the forecast mean * :math:`\overline{\text{obs}}` is the observation mean * :math:`\sigma_{\text{fx}}` is the forecast standard deviation * :math:`\sigma_{\text{obs}}` is the observation standard deviation * :math:`\textrm{corr}` is the :py:func:`Pearson correlation coefficient <pearson_correlation_coeff>` Described in [1]_ Parameters ---------- obs : (n,) array-like Observed values. fx : (n,) array-like Forecasted values. Returns ------- d : float The relative Euclidean distance of the forecast. Examples -------- >>> relative_euclidean_distance(np.array([0, 1]), np.array([1, 2])) 2.0 # observation mean is 0, forecast mean is not 0. d --> inf >>> relative_euclidean_distance(np.array([-1, 1]), np.array([2, 3])) np.Inf # both forecast and observation mean are 0. d is finite >>> relative_euclidean_distance(np.array([-2, 2]), np.array([3, -3])) 2.0615528128088303 # variance of observation or forecast is 0. d --> nan >>> relative_euclidean_distance(np.array([1, 1]), np.array([2, 3]) np.NaN References ---------- .. [1] Wu et al. Journal of Geophysical Research : Atmospheres 117, D12202, doi: 10.1029/2011JD016971 (2012) """ obs_mean = np.mean(obs) obs_stdev = np.std(obs) fx_mean = np.mean(fx) fx_stdev = np.std(fx) # compute as a ratio so we can handle obs_mean = 0 mean_ratio = _careful_ratio(obs_mean, fx_mean) stdev_ratio = _careful_ratio(obs_stdev, fx_stdev) return np.sqrt( (mean_ratio - 1) ** 2 + (stdev_ratio - 1) ** 2 + (pearson_correlation_coeff(obs, fx) - 1) ** 2 )
[docs]def kolmogorov_smirnov_integral(obs, fx, normed=False): """Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test Integral (KSI). .. math:: \\text{KSI} = \\int_{p_\\min}^{p_\\max} D_n(p) dp where: .. math:: D_n(p) = \\max(|\\text{CDF}_\\text{obs}(p) - \\text{CDF}_\\text{fx}(p)|) and CDF_obs and CDF_fx are the empirical CDFs of the observations and forecasts, respectively. KSI can be normalized as: .. math:: \\text{KSI [%]} = \\text{KSI} / a_\\text{critical} * 100% where: .. math:: a_\\text{critical} = V_c * (p_\\max - p_\\min) .. math:: V_c = 1.63 / \\sqrt{n} Parameters ---------- obs : (n,) array-like Observed values. fx : (n,) array-like Forecasted values. normed : bool, optional If True, return the normalized KSI [%]. Returns ------- ksi : float The KSI of the forecast. Notes ----- The calculation of the empirical CDF uses a right endpoint rule (the default of the statsmodels ECDF function). For example, if the data is [1.0, 2.0], then ECDF output is 0.5 for any input less than 1.0. """ # NOQA # empirical CDF ecdf_obs = ECDF(obs) ecdf_fx = ECDF(fx) # evaluate CDFs x = np.unique(np.concatenate((obs, fx))) y_o = ecdf_obs(x) y_f = ecdf_fx(x) # compute metric D = np.abs(y_o - y_f) ksi = np.sum(D[:-1] * np.diff(x)) if normed: Vc = 1.63 / np.sqrt(len(obs)) a_critical = Vc * (x.max() - x.min()) return ksi / a_critical * 100.0 else: return ksi
[docs]def over(obs, fx): """The OVER metric. .. math:: \\text{OVER} = \\int_{p_\\min}^{p_\\max} D_n^*(p) dp where: .. math:: D_n^* = \\begin{cases} (D_n - V_c) & D_n > V_c \\\\ D_n^* = 0 & \\text{otherwise} \\end{cases} with D_n and V_c defined the same as in KSI. Parameters ---------- obs : (n,) array-like Observed values. fx : (n,) array-like Forecasted values. Returns ------- over : float The OVER metric of the forecast. Notes ----- The calculation of the empirical CDF uses a right endpoint rule (the default of the statsmodels ECDF function). For example, if the data is [1.0, 2.0], then ECDF output is 0.5 for any input less than 1.0. """ # empirical CDF ecdf_obs = ECDF(obs) ecdf_fx = ECDF(fx) # evaluate CDFs x = np.unique(np.concatenate((obs, fx))) y_o = ecdf_obs(x) y_f = ecdf_fx(x) # compute metric D = np.abs(y_o - y_f) Vc = 1.63 / np.sqrt(len(obs)) Dstar = D - Vc Dstar[D <= Vc] = 0.0 over = np.sum(Dstar[:-1] * np.diff(x)) return over
[docs]def combined_performance_index(obs, fx): """Combined Performance Index (CPI) metric. .. math:: \\text{CPI} = (\\text{KSI} + \\text{OVER} + 2 * \\text{RMSE}) / 4 Parameters ---------- obs : (n,) array-like Observed values. fx : (n,) array-like Forecasted values. Returns ------- cpi : float The CPI between the true and predicted values. """ # NOQA ksi = kolmogorov_smirnov_integral(obs, fx) ov = over(obs, fx) rmse = root_mean_square(obs, fx) cpi = (ksi + ov + 2 * rmse) / 4.0 return cpi
def _np_agg_fnc(agg_str, net): fnc = _AGG_OPTIONS[agg_str] if net: return lambda x: fnc(x) else: return lambda x: fnc(np.abs(x))
[docs]def constant_cost(obs, fx, cost_params, error_fnc=error): r"""Compute cost using a constant cost value. The attributes `cost`, `net`, and `aggregation` are used from `cost_params` to perform the following calculation depending on (`net`, `aggregation`): .. math:: \text{cost} = C * \begin{cases} 1/n \sum_{i=1}^n S(\text{obs}_i, \text{fx}_i) & \text{True, mean} \\ \sum_{i=1}^n S(\text{obs}_i, \text{fx}_i) & \text{True, sum} \\ 1/n \sum_{i=1}^n |S(\text{obs}_i, \text{fx}_i)| & \text{False, mean} \\ \sum_{i=1}^n |S(\text{obs}_i, \text{fx}_i)| & \text{False, sum} \end{cases} where :math:`S` is the error function defined by `error_fnc` and :math:`C` is the `cost`. Parameters ---------- obs : (n,) array-like Observed values. fx : (n,) array-like Forecasted values. cost_params : :py:class:`solarforecastarbiter.datamodel.ConstantCost` Parameters that the define the cost value along with how to aggregate the costs. error_fnc : function A function that returns the error, default fx - obs. First argument is obs, second argument is fx. Returns ------- cost : float The cost of the forecast errors. """ cost_const = cost_params.cost agg_fnc = _np_agg_fnc(cost_params.aggregation, errors = error_fnc(obs, fx) return agg_fnc(errors) * cost_const
def _make_time_of_day_cost_ser(times, costs, index, tz, fill): if len(index) == 0 or len(times) == 0: return 0 dates = list(np.unique( # extend dates +- 1 day so that index is within the cost # ser we construct dates.insert(0, min(dates) - dt.timedelta(days=1)) dates.insert(-1, max(dates) + dt.timedelta(days=1)) # insert the last cost at 00:00 if not present so forward # fill works (sometimes one date w/ tz adjust not enough) if fill == 'ffill' and dt.time(0) not in times: max_ind = np.argmax(times) times.insert(0, dt.time(0)) costs.insert(0, costs[max_ind]) # insert the first cost at 23:59 if not present so back # fill works even if tz adjusts index elif fill == 'bfill' and dt.time(23, 59, 59) not in times: min_ind = np.argmin(times) times.insert(-1, dt.time(23, 59, 59)) costs.insert(-1, costs[min_ind]) # make the cost series prod = [(pd.Timestamp.combine(x, y[0]), y[1]) for x in dates for y in zip(times, costs)] base_ser = pd.DataFrame( prod, columns=['timestamp', 'cost'] ).set_index('timestamp')['cost'].tz_localize(tz).sort_index() # only get those values at index filling as appropriate ser = base_ser.reindex(index, method=fill) return ser
[docs]def time_of_day_cost(obs, fx, cost_params, error_fnc=error): r"""Compute cost using a time-of-day varying cost value. First, a `pandas.Series` of costs is constructed to match the index of `obs` and `fx`: `cost_params.cost` specifies the value to assign to each time of day in `cost_params.times`. The `cost_params.fill` attribute specifies how to fill (forward or backward) the cost for times in the observation/forecast index but not in `cost_params.times`. This cost series, along with the attributes `net` and `aggregation` from `cost_params` are used to perform the following calculation depending on (`net`, `aggregation`): .. math:: \text{cost} = \begin{cases} 1/n \sum_{i=1}^n C_i * S(\text{obs}_i, \text{fx}_i) & \text{True, mean} \\ \sum_{i=1}^n C_i * S(\text{obs}_i, \text{fx}_i) & \text{True, sum} \\ 1/n \sum_{i=1}^n C_i * |S(\text{obs}_i, \text{fx}_i)| & \text{False, mean} \\ \sum_{i=1}^n C_i * |S(\text{obs}_i, \text{fx}_i)| & \text{False, sum} \end{cases} where :math:`S` is the error function defined by `error_fnc` and :math:`C` is the computed cost series. Parameters ---------- obs : (n,) pandas.Series Observed values with a pandas.DatetimeIndex. fx : (n,) pandas.Series Forecasted values with a pandas.DatetimeIndex matching `obs`. cost_params : :py:class:`solarforecastarbiter.datamodel.TimeOfDayCost` Parameters that the define the cost value along with how to aggregate the costs. error_fnc : function A function that returns the error, default fx - obs. First argument is obs, second argument is fx. Returns ------- cost : float The cost of the forecast errors. """ # NOQA agg_fnc = _np_agg_fnc(cost_params.aggregation, fill = _FILL_OPTIONS[cost_params.fill] errors = error_fnc(obs, fx) tz = cost_params.timezone or errors.index.tzinfo cost_ser = _make_time_of_day_cost_ser( cost_params.times, cost_params.cost, errors.index, tz, fill) error_cost = errors * cost_ser return agg_fnc(error_cost)
[docs]def datetime_cost(obs, fx, cost_params, error_fnc=error): r"""Compute cost using a date-time varying cost value. First, a `pandas.Series` of costs is constructed to match the index of `obs` and `fx`: `cost_params.cost` specifies the value to assign to each date-time in `cost_params.datetimes`. The `cost_params.fill` attribute specifies how to fill (forward or backward) the cost for date-times in the observation/forecast index but not in `cost_params.datetimes`. This cost series, along with the attributes `net` and `aggregation` from `cost_params` are used to perform the following calculation depending on (`net`, `aggregation`): .. math:: \text{cost} = \begin{cases} 1/n \sum_{i=1}^n C_i * S(\text{obs}_i, \text{fx}_i) & \text{True, mean} \\ \sum_{i=1}^n C_i * S(\text{obs}_i, \text{fx}_i) & \text{True, sum} \\ 1/n \sum_{i=1}^n C_i * |S(\text{obs}_i, \text{fx}_i)| & \text{False, mean} \\ \sum_{i=1}^n C_i * |S(\text{obs}_i, \text{fx}_i)| & \text{False, sum} \end{cases} where :math:`S` is the error function defined by `error_fnc` and :math:`C` is the computed cost series. Parameters ---------- obs : (n,) pandas.Series Observed values with a pandas.DatetimeIndex. fx : (n,) pandas.Series Forecasted values with a pandas.DatetimeIndex matching `obs`. cost_params : :py:class:`solarforecastarbiter.datamodel.DatetimeCost` Parameters that the define the cost value along with how to aggregate the costs. error_fnc : function A function that returns the error, default fx - obs. First argument is obs, second argument is fx. Returns ------- cost : float The cost of the forecast errors. Notes ----- In the case where the specified `cost_params.datetimes` are insufficient to cover the observation/forecast index after filling, those missing date-times are excluded from the cost calculation. """ # NOQA agg_fnc = _np_agg_fnc(cost_params.aggregation, fill = _FILL_OPTIONS[cost_params.fill] cost_ser = pd.Series(cost_params.cost, index=pd.DatetimeIndex(cost_params.datetimes), dtype=float) errors = error_fnc(obs, fx) if cost_ser.index.tzinfo is None: if cost_params.timezone is not None: cost_ser = cost_ser.tz_localize(cost_params.timezone) else: cost_ser = cost_ser.tz_localize(errors.index.tzinfo) error_cost = errors * cost_ser.reindex(errors.index, method=fill) return agg_fnc(error_cost)
def _band_masks(bands, errors): """Make masks for each band based on which band errors falls in""" prev = np.zeros(errors.shape, dtype=bool) out = [] for band in bands: emin, emax = band.error_range new = (errors >= emin) & (errors <= emax) # only those new locations that not also in prev should be used both = prev & new new[both] = False out.append(new) prev |= new return out
[docs]def error_band_cost(obs, fx, cost_params, error_fnc=error): r"""Compute cost according to various functions applied to specified error bands. The `cost_params` parameters is a :py:class:`solarforecastarbiter.datamodel.ErrorBandCost` object. The `cost_params.bands` attribute lists the cost function (one of :py:func:`.constant_cost`, :py:func:`.time_of_day_cost`, :py:func:`.datetime_cost`) that will apply to periods where the error (as calculated by `error_fnc`) falls within the given range. To calculate the final cost value, the forecast error is calculated with `error_fnc`, then this error is compared with the range in each `cost_params.bands`. If the error falls within the range, the cost function associated with the range is applied to the error and added to the final result until all errors are evaluated. In mathematical terms, if :math:`R_j` is the range of band :math:`j` and :math:`S` is the error function defined by `error_fnc`, the forecasts and observations are first split into sets according to .. math:: \{\text{obs}^j, \text{fx}^j\} = \left\{\text{obs}_i, \text{fx}_i \forall i \text{ s.t. } S(\text{obs}_i, \text{fx}_i) \in R_j \text{ and } S(\text{obs}_i, \text{fx}_i) \notin \{R_1, \ldots, R_{j-1}\} \right\} Then, the cost function for each band, :math:`K_j(\cdot)` (as described by :py:func:`.constant_cost`, :py:func:`.time_of_day_cost`, and :py:func:`datetime_cost`), is applied to each set, yiedling .. math:: \text{cost} = \sum_j K_j(\text{obs}^j, \text{fx}^j) Parameters ---------- obs : (n,) pandas.Series Observed values with a pandas.DatetimeIndex. fx : (n,) pandas.Series Forecasted values with a pandas.DatetimeIndex matching `obs`. cost_params : :py:class:`solarforecastarbiter.datamodel.ErrorBandCost` Parameters that the define the cost value along with how to aggregate the costs. error_fnc : function A function that returns the error, default fx - obs. First argument is obs, second argument is fx. Returns ------- cost : float The cost of the forecast errors. """ # NOQA bands = cost_params.bands band_cost_functions = [ partial(_COST_FUNCTION_MAP[band.cost_function], cost_params=band.cost_function_parameters, error_fnc=error_fnc) for band in bands ] errors = error_fnc(obs, fx) out = 0 masks = _band_masks(bands, errors) for mask, fnc in zip(masks, band_cost_functions): if not mask.any(): continue mobs = obs[mask] mfx = fx[mask] out += fnc(mobs, mfx) return out
[docs]def cost(obs, fx, cost_params, error_fnc=error): r"""Compute the cost for forecast errors according to `cost_params`. `cost_params.type` determines which cost function of :py:func:`.constant_cost`, :py:func:`.time_of_day_cost`, :py:func:`.datetime_cost`, or :py:func:`error_band_cost` will be used. In general, the cost is calculated as .. math:: \text{cost} = \sum_{i=1}^n C_i(S(\text{obs}_i, \text{fx}_i)) where :math:`C_i` is determined by the cost function and :math:`S` is the error function. Parameters ---------- obs : (n,) pandas.Series Observed values fx : (n,) pandas.Series Forecasted values cost_params : :py:class:`solarforecastarbiter.datamodel.Cost` Parameters that the define the cost value along with how to aggregate the costs. error_fnc : function A function that returns the error, default fx - obs. First argument is obs, second argument is fx. Returns ------- cost : float The cost of the forecast errors. """ if cost_params is None: return np.nan fnc = _COST_FUNCTION_MAP[cost_params.type] return fnc(obs, fx, cost_params.parameters, error_fnc)
_COST_FUNCTION_MAP = { 'constant': constant_cost, 'timeofday': time_of_day_cost, 'datetime': datetime_cost, 'errorband': error_band_cost } _FILL_OPTIONS = { 'forward': 'ffill', 'backward': 'bfill' } _AGG_OPTIONS = { 'sum': np.sum, 'mean': np.mean } # Add new metrics to this map to map shorthand to function _MAP = { 'mae': (mean_absolute, 'MAE'), 'mbe': (mean_bias, 'MBE'), 'rmse': (root_mean_square, 'RMSE'), 'mape': (mean_absolute_percentage, 'MAPE'), 'nmae': (normalized_mean_absolute, 'NMAE'), 'nmbe': (normalized_mean_bias, 'NMBE'), 'nrmse': (normalized_root_mean_square, 'NRMSE'), 's': (forecast_skill, 'Skill'), 'r': (pearson_correlation_coeff, 'r'), 'r^2': (coeff_determination, 'R^2'), 'crmse': (centered_root_mean_square, 'CRMSE'), 'd': (relative_euclidean_distance, 'Rel. Euc. Dist.'), 'ksi': (kolmogorov_smirnov_integral, 'KSI'), 'over': (over, 'OVER'), 'cpi': (combined_performance_index, 'CPI'), 'cost': (cost, 'Cost') } __all__ = [m[0].__name__ for m in _MAP.values()] # Functions that require a reference forecast _REQ_REF_FX = ['s'] # Functions that require normalized factor _REQ_NORM = ['nmae', 'nmbe', 'nrmse'] _DEADBAND_ALLOWED = [ 'mae', 'mbe', 'rmse', 'mape', 'nmae', 'nmbe', 'nrmse', 's', 'cost']