Source code for solarforecastarbiter.plotting.utils

import pandas as pd
from matplotlib.colors import rgb2hex

from solarforecastarbiter.datamodel import ALLOWED_VARIABLES, COMMON_NAMES

[docs]def format_variable_name(variable): """Make a human readable name, with units, for the variable""" return f'{COMMON_NAMES[variable]} ({ALLOWED_VARIABLES[variable]})'
[docs]def align_index(df, interval_length, limit=None): """ Align the index to the specified interval_length inserting NaNs as appropriate. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame or pandas.Series Pandas object with a datetime index that will be reindexed interval_length : pd.Timedelta Interval to conform input index to limit : pd.Timedelta, default None Restricts the output index to `end - limit:end` Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame or pandas.Series Same type as input `df` with an index with frequency `interval_length` """ period_end = df.index[-1] if limit is not None: period_start = df.index[ df.index.get_loc(period_end - limit, method='bfill')] else: period_start = df.index[0] # align the data on the index it should have according to the metadata nindex = pd.date_range(start=period_start, end=period_end, freq=interval_length, name='timestamp') df = df.reindex(nindex, axis=0) return df
[docs]def line_or_step(interval_label): """ For a given interval_label, determine the plot_method of the data, any kwargs for that plot method, and kwargs for adding a hovertool for the data. """ if 'instant' in interval_label: plot_method = 'line' plot_kwargs = dict() hover_kwargs = dict(line_policy='nearest', attachment='horizontal') elif interval_label == 'beginning': plot_method = 'step' plot_kwargs = dict(mode='after') hover_kwargs = dict(line_policy='prev', attachment='left', add_line=True) elif interval_label == 'ending': plot_method = 'step' plot_kwargs = dict(mode='before') hover_kwargs = dict(line_policy='next', attachment='right', add_line=True) elif interval_label == 'event': plot_method = 'step' plot_kwargs = dict(mode='after') hover_kwargs = dict(line_policy='prev', attachment='left', add_line=True) else: raise ValueError( 'interval_label must be one of "instant", "beginning", ' '"event", or "ending"') return plot_method, plot_kwargs, hover_kwargs
def line_or_step_plotly(interval_label): """ For a given interval_label, forecast_type determine any kwargs for the plot. """ if 'instant' in interval_label: plot_kwargs = dict() elif interval_label == 'beginning': plot_kwargs = dict(line_shape='hv') elif interval_label == 'ending': plot_kwargs = dict(line_shape='vh') elif interval_label == 'event': plot_kwargs = dict(line_shape='hv', mode='lines+markers') else: raise ValueError( 'interval_label must be one of "instant", "beginning", ' '"event", or "ending"') return plot_kwargs def distribution_fill_color(color_scaler, percentile): """Returns a hex code for shading percentiles. Parameters ---------- color_scaler: percentile: float Returns ------- str Hex value of the color to use for shading. """ normalized_value = percentile / 100 return rgb2hex(color_scaler.to_rgba(normalized_value)) def percentiles_are_symmetric(constant_values): """Determines if a list of percentile constant values are symmetric about the 50th percentile. Parameters ---------- constant_values: list List of float constant values Returns ------- bool True if percentiles are symmetric about 50. """ constant_values = sorted(constant_values) lower_bounds = [cv for cv in constant_values if cv < 50] upper_bounds = [cv for cv in constant_values if cv > 50][::-1] if len(upper_bounds) != len(lower_bounds): return False for l, u in zip(lower_bounds, upper_bounds): if abs(50 - l) != abs(50 - u): return False return True