Source code for

"""Collection of code for requesting and parsing ARM data.
Documentation for the ARM Live Data Web Service can be found
import json
import netCDF4
import pandas as pd
import requests


# These lists are the commonly available irradiance and meteorological
# variables found in ARM data. Users can import and pass these to fetch_arm
# to parse out these variables.
IRRAD_VARIABLES = ['down_short_hemisp', 'down_short_diffuse_hemisp',
MET_VARIABLES = ['temp_mean', 'rh_mean', 'wspd_arith_mean']

[docs]def format_date(date_object): return date_object.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
[docs]def request_arm_file_list(user_id, api_key, datastream, start, end): """Make an http request to the ARM live API for filenames between start and end. Parameters ---------- user_id: string ARM user id. api_key: string ARM live API access token. datastream: string Name of the datastream to query for files. start: datetime Beginning of period for which to request data. end: datetime End of period for which to request data. Returns ------- dict The json response parsed into a dictionary. """ params = {'user': f'{user_id}:{api_key}', 'ds': datastream, 'start': format_date(start), 'end': format_date(end), 'wt': 'json'} response = requests.get(ARM_FILES_LIST_URL, params=params) return json.loads(response.text)
[docs]def list_arm_filenames(user_id, api_key, datastream, start, end): """Get a list of filenames from ARM for the given datastream between start and end. Parameters ---------- user_id: string ARM user id. api_key: string ARM live API access token. datastream: string Name of the datastream to query for files. start: datetime Beginning of period for which to request data. end: datetime End of period for which to request data. Returns ------- list List of filenames as strings. """ response = request_arm_file_list(user_id, api_key, datastream, start, end) return response['files']
[docs]def request_arm_file(user_id, api_key, filename): """Get a file from ARM live in the form of a stream so that the python netCDF4 module can read it. Parameters ---------- user_id: string ARM user id. api_key: string ARM live API access token. filename: string Filename to request Returns ------- stream The API response in the form of a stream to be consumed by netCDF4.Dataset(). Notes ----- The stream handle must be closed by the user. """ params = {'user': f'{user_id}:{api_key}', 'file': filename} return requests.get(ARM_FILES_DOWNLOAD_URL, params=params, stream=True)
[docs]def retrieve_arm_dataset(user_id, api_key, filename): """Request a file from the ARM Live API and return a netCDF4 Dataset. Parameters ---------- user_id: string ARM user id. api_key: string ARM live API access token. filename: string Filename to request Returns ------- netCDF4.Dataset Dataset of the API response. """ nc_data = request_arm_file(user_id, api_key, filename) nc_file = netCDF4.Dataset(f'/tmp/{filename}', mode='r', memory=nc_data.content) nc_data.close() return nc_file
[docs]def extract_arm_variables(nc_file, variables): """Extracts variables and datetime index from an ARM netcdf. Parameters ---------- nc_file: netCDF4 Dataset The ARM file read into a Dataset. variables: list List of string variable names to parse from the files. Returns ------- DataFrame A pandas DataFrame with a column for each requested variable found in the ARM netcdf file, indexed by timestamp in UTC. If none of the requested variables are found, an empty DataFrame is returned. """ var_data = {} for var in variables: try: var_data[var] = nc_file[var][:] except IndexError: continue if var_data: base_time = nc_file['base_time'][0].data.item() delta_time = nc_file['time'][:] times = pd.to_datetime(base_time + delta_time, unit='s', utc=True) return pd.DataFrame(index=times, data=var_data) else: return pd.DataFrame()
[docs]def fetch_arm(user_id, api_key, datastream, variables, start, end): """Gets data from ARM API and concatenates requested datastreams into a single Pandas Dataframe. Parameters ---------- user_id: string ARM user id. api_key: string ARM live API access token. datastream: string The datastream to request. variables List of variables to parse from the datastream. start: datetime The start of the interval to request data for. end: datetime The end of the interval to request date for. Returns ------- DataFrame A DataFrame containing all of the available variables over the requested period. Notes ----- Elements of the variable list that are not found in the datastream are ignored, this is to allow iteration over many datastreams without knowing their exact contents. If none of the requested variables are found, an empty DataFrame will be returned. Users should verify the contents of the return value before use. Example ------- A user requesting data for the variables 'down_short_hemisp' and 'short_direct_normal' from the datastream 'sgpqcrad1longC1.c1' for the days between 2019-02-27 and 2019-03-01 could expect the following DataFrame. .. code:: down_short_hemisp short_direct_normal 2019-02-27 00:00:00+00:00 7.182889 -1.399250 2019-02-27 00:01:00+00:00 6.943601 -1.317890 2019-02-27 00:02:00+00:00 6.686488 -1.235140 ... 2019-03-01 23:57:00+00:00 6.943601 -1.317890 2019-03-01 23:58:00+00:00 6.686488 -1.235140 2019-03-01 23:59:00+00:00 6.395981 -1.226730 """ datastream_dfs = [] filenames = list_arm_filenames(user_id, api_key, datastream, start, end) for filename in filenames: nc_file = retrieve_arm_dataset(user_id, api_key, filename) datastream_df = extract_arm_variables(nc_file, variables) datastream_dfs.append(datastream_df) if len(datastream_dfs) > 0: new_data = pd.concat(datastream_dfs) return new_data else: return pd.DataFrame()