
Data classes and acceptable variables as defined by the SolarForecastArbiter Data Model document. Python 3.7 is required.


BaseFilter() Base class for filters to be applied in a report.
FixedTiltModelingParameters(ac_capacity, …) A class based on PVModelingParameters that has additional parameters for fixed tilt PV systems.
Forecast(name, issue_time_of_day, …) A class to hold metadata for Forecast objects.
ForecastObservation(forecast, observation) Class for pairing Forecast and Observation objects for evaluation.
Observation(name, variable, …) A class for keeping track of metadata associated with an observation.
PVModelingParameters(ac_capacity, …) Class for keeping track of generic PV modeling parameters
ProcessedForecastObservation(original, …) Hold the processed forecast and observation data with the resampling parameters
QualityFlagFilter(quality_flags, , , , )) Class representing quality flag filters to be applied in a report.
RawReport(metadata, template, metrics, …) Class for holding the result of processing a report request including the calculated metrics, some metadata, the markdown template, and the processed forecast/observation data.
Report(name, start, end, …) Class for keeping track of report metadata and the raw report that can later be rendered to HTML or PDF.
ReportMetadata(name, start, end, now, …) Hold additional metadata about the report
SingleAxisModelingParameters(ac_capacity, …) A class based on PVModelingParameters that has additional parameters for single axis tracking systems.
Site(name, latitude, longitude, elevation, …) Class for keeping track of Site metadata.
SolarPowerPlant(name, latitude, longitude, …) Class for keeping track of metadata associated with solar power plant Sites.
TimeOfDayFilter(time_of_day_range, …) Class representing a time of day filter to be applied in a report.
ValueFilter(metadata, …) Class representing an observation or forecast value filter to be applied in a report.