Source code for solarforecastarbiter.plotting.timeseries

import datetime as dt
from functools import wraps
import logging

from bokeh.embed import components
from bokeh.layouts import gridplot
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, Label, HoverTool
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh import palettes
import pandas as pd
import pytz

from solarforecastarbiter.plotting import utils as plot_utils
from solarforecastarbiter.validation import quality_mapping

UTCS = (dt.timezone.utc, pytz.UTC)
logger = logging.getLogger('sfa.plotting.timeseries')
PALETTE = palettes.all_palettes['Category20b'][20][::4]
# flags with color None will be assigned a color from PALETTE
    'MISSING': '#e6550d',
    'NOT VALIDATED': '#ff7f0e',
    'USER FLAGGED': '#d62728',
    'NIGHTTIME': None,
    'CLOUDY': None,
    'SHADED': None,
    'STALE VALUES': None,

[docs]def build_figure_title(object_name, start, end): """Builds a title for the plot Parameters ---------- object_name : str Name of the object being plotted start: datetime-like The start of the interval being plotted. end: datetime-like The end of the interval being plotted. Returns ------- string The appropriate figure title. Raises ------ ValueError If start or end is not localized to UTC """ if start.tzinfo not in UTCS or end.tzinfo not in UTCS: raise ValueError('start and end must be localized to UTC') start_string = start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') end_string = end.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') figure_title = (f'{object_name} {start_string} to {end_string} UTC') return figure_title
def _single_quality_bar(flag_name, plot_width, x_range, color, source): qfig = figure(sizing_mode='stretch_width', plot_height=30, plot_width=plot_width, x_range=x_range, toolbar_location=None, min_border_bottom=0, min_border_top=0, tools='xpan', x_axis_location=None, y_axis_location=None) qfig.ygrid.grid_line_color = None qfig.line(x='timestamp', y=flag_name, line_width=qfig.plot_height, source=source, alpha=0.6, line_color=color) flag_label = Label(x=5, y=0, x_units='screen', y_units='screen', text=flag_name, render_mode='css', border_line_color=None, background_fill_alpha=0, text_font_size='1em', text_font_style='bold') qfig.add_layout(flag_label) return qfig
[docs]def make_quality_bars(source, plot_width, x_range): """ Make figures to display the whether a time is flagged for any of the columns in source. Parameters ---------- source : bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource The predefined data source with flags loaded. Only columns in FLAG_COLORS will be made into bars. If data for a flag is empty, a bar will not be generated for that flag. plot_width : int The width of the figures x_range : bokeh.Range or tuple If x_range is a bokeh Range from another plot, the plots will be linked on panning/zooming/etc. Returns ------- list Of bar figures. The top figure will have an appropriate title. """ palette = iter(PALETTE * 3) out = [] for flag, color in FLAG_COLORS.items(): # only display bars for flags that have at least on occurence if flag not in or pd.isna([flag]).all(): continue if color is None: color = next(palette) nextfig = _single_quality_bar(flag, plot_width, x_range, color, source) out.append(nextfig) # add the title to the top bar if there are any bars if out: out[0].plot_height = 60 out[0].title.text = 'Quality Flags' out[0].title.text_font_size = '1em' return out
[docs]def add_hover_tool(fig, source, **hover_kwargs): """Add a hover tool to fig. If `add_line=True` in `hover_kwargs` an invisible line is added to enable hover values step plots""" if hover_kwargs.pop('add_line', False): fig.line(x='timestamp', y='value', source=source, line_alpha=0) tooltips = [ ('timestamp', '@timestamp{%FT%H:%M:%S%z}'), ('value', '@value{%0.2f}') ] if 'active_flags' in tooltips.append(('quality flags', '@active_flags')) hover = HoverTool(tooltips=tooltips, formatters={ 'timestamp': 'datetime', 'value': 'printf'}, mode='vline', **hover_kwargs) fig.add_tools(hover)
[docs]def make_basic_timeseries(source, object_name, variable, interval_label, plot_width): """ Make a basic timeseries plot (with either a step or line) and add a hover tool. Parameters ---------- source : bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource The datasource with 'timestamp' and 'value' columns that will be plotted. object_name : str Name of the object to be plotted so an appropriate title can be made. variable : str Variable of the plotted object interval_label : str Interval label of the object to determine whether a line or step is most appropriate. plot_width : int The width of the output figure Returns ------- bokeh.models.Figure The figure with the timeseries Raises ------ KeyError If timestamp is not a column in source IndexError If the timestamp column is empty """ timestamps =['timestamp'] first = pd.Timestamp(timestamps[0], tz='UTC') last = pd.Timestamp(timestamps[-1], tz='UTC') plot_method, plot_kwargs, hover_kwargs = plot_utils.line_or_step( interval_label) figure_title = build_figure_title(object_name, first, last) fig = figure(title=figure_title, sizing_mode='scale_width', plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=300, x_range=(first, last), x_axis_type='datetime', tools='pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,zoom_in,zoom_out,reset,save', toolbar_location='above', min_border_bottom=50) getattr(fig, plot_method)(x='timestamp', y='value', source=source, **plot_kwargs) fig.yaxis.axis_label = plot_utils.format_variable_name(variable) fig.xaxis.axis_label = 'Time (UTC)' add_hover_tool(fig, source, **hover_kwargs) return fig
def _make_layout(figs): layout = gridplot(figs, ncols=1, merge_tools=True, toolbar_location='above', sizing_mode='scale_width') return layout def to_components(f): """Return script and div of a bokeh object if the return_components kwarg is True""" @wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if kwargs.pop('return_components', False): out = f(*args, **kwargs) if out is not None: return components(out) else: return out else: return f(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs]@to_components def generate_forecast_figure(forecast, data, limit=None): """ Creates a bokeh timeseries figure for forcast data Parameters ---------- forecast : datamodel.Forecast The Forecast that is being plotted data : pandas.Series The forecast data with a datetime index to be plotted limit : pandas.Timedelta or None The time limit from the last datapoint to plot. If None, all data is plotted. Returns ------- None When the data is empty script, div : str When return_components = True, return the <script> and <div> components for the Bokeh plot. bokeh components from gridplot When return_components = False """'Starting forecast figure generation...') if len(data.index) == 0: return None data = plot_utils.align_index(data, forecast.interval_length, limit) cds = ColumnDataSource(data.reset_index()) fig = make_basic_timeseries(cds,, forecast.variable, forecast.interval_label, PLOT_WIDTH) layout = _make_layout([fig])'Figure generated succesfully') return layout
[docs]@to_components def generate_observation_figure(observation, data, limit=pd.Timedelta('3d')): """ Creates a bokeh figure from API responses for an observation Parameters ---------- observation : datamodel.Observation The Observation that is being plotted data : pandas.DataFrame The observation data to be plotted with datetime index and ('value', 'quality_flag') columns limit : pandas.Timedelta or None The time limit from the last datapoint to plot. If None, all data is plotted. Returns ------- None When the data is empty script, div : str When return_components = True, return the <script> and <div> components for the Bokeh plot. bokeh components from gridplot When return_components = False """'Starting observation forecast generation...') if len(data.index) == 0: return None data = plot_utils.align_index(data, observation.interval_length, limit) quality_flag = data.pop('quality_flag').dropna().astype(int) bool_flags = quality_mapping.convert_mask_into_dataframe(quality_flag) active_flags = quality_mapping.convert_flag_frame_to_strings(bool_flags) = 'active_flags' flags = bool_flags.mask(~bool_flags).reindex(data.index) # add missing flags['MISSING'] = pd.Series(1.0, index=data.index)[pd.isna(data['value'])] # need to fill as line needs more than a single point to show up if observation.interval_label == 'ending': flags.bfill(axis=0, limit=1, inplace=True) else: # for interval beginning and instantaneous flags.ffill(axis=0, limit=1, inplace=True) cds = ColumnDataSource(pd.concat([data, flags, active_flags], axis=1)) figs = [make_basic_timeseries(cds,, observation.variable, observation.interval_label, PLOT_WIDTH)] figs.extend(make_quality_bars(cds, PLOT_WIDTH, figs[0].x_range)) layout = _make_layout(figs)'Figure generated succesfully') return layout