
class solarforecastarbiter.datamodel.RawReport(generated_at: pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp, timezone: str, versions: Tuple[Tuple[str, str], ...], plots: solarforecastarbiter.datamodel.RawReportPlots, metrics: Tuple[solarforecastarbiter.datamodel.MetricResult, ...], processed_forecasts_observations: Tuple[solarforecastarbiter.datamodel.ProcessedForecastObservation, ...], messages: Tuple[solarforecastarbiter.datamodel.ReportMessage, ...] = (), data_checksum: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Class for holding the result of processing a report request including some metadata, the calculated metrics, plots, the processed forecast/observation data, and messages from report generation. This is called a “raw” report because this object, along with the report parameters, can be processed into a HTML or PDF report.

__init__(generated_at: pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp, timezone: str, versions: Tuple[Tuple[str, str], ...], plots: solarforecastarbiter.datamodel.RawReportPlots, metrics: Tuple[solarforecastarbiter.datamodel.MetricResult, ...], processed_forecasts_observations: Tuple[solarforecastarbiter.datamodel.ProcessedForecastObservation, ...], messages: Tuple[solarforecastarbiter.datamodel.ReportMessage, ...] = (), data_checksum: Optional[str] = None) → None


__init__(generated_at, timezone, versions, …)
from_dict(input_dict[, raise_on_extra]) Construct a dataclass from the given dict, matching keys with the class fields.
replace(**kwargs) Convience wrapper for dataclasses.replace() to create a new dataclasses from the old with the given keys replaced.
to_dict() Convert the dataclass into a dictionary suitable for uploading to the API.

