Source code for

Functions to connect to and process data from SolarForecastArbiter API
import datetime as dt
import json
import logging

import requests
from urllib3 import Retry
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from solarforecastarbiter import datamodel
from solarforecastarbiter.utils import merge_ranges
from import (
    HiddenToken, ensure_timestamps,

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Limit used to limit the amount of retrieved with a single request. Used
# to break up large requests into smaller requests to avoid timeout.

[docs]def request_cli_access_token(user, password, **kwargs): """Request an API access token from Auth0. Parameters ---------- user : str Username password : str Password kwargs Passed to Useful for handling SSL certificates, navigating proxies, or other network complications. See requests documentation for details. Returns ------- access_token : str """ req = '', data={'grant_type': 'password', 'username': user, 'audience': BASE_URL, 'password': password, 'client_id': 'c16EJo48lbTCQEhqSztGGlmxxxmZ4zX7'}, **kwargs) req.raise_for_status() return req.json()['access_token']
[docs]class APISession(requests.Session): """ Subclass of requests.Session to handle requets to the SolarForecastArbiter API. The Session provides connection pooling, automatic retries for certain types of requets, default timeouts, and a default base url. Responses are converted into the appropriate class from or a pandas object. Parameters ---------- access_token : string or HiddenToken The base64 encoded Bearer token to authenticate with the API default_timeout : float or tuple, optional A default timeout to add to all requests. If a tuple, the first element is the connection timeout and the second is the read timeout. Default is 10 seconds for connection and 60 seconds to read from the server. base_url : string URL to use as the base for endpoints to APISession Notes ----- To pass the API calls through a proxy server, set either the HTTP_PROXY or HTTPS_PROXY environment variable. If necessary, you can also specify a SSL certificate using the REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE environment variable. For example, on a Linux machine: >>> export HTTPS_PROXY= >>> export REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=/path/to/certificates/cert.crt >>> python For more information, see the "Advanced Usage" documentation for the requests package: """
[docs] def __init__(self, access_token, default_timeout=(10, 60), base_url=None): super().__init__() if isinstance(access_token, HiddenToken): access_token = access_token.token self.headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {access_token}', 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip,deflate'} self.default_timeout = default_timeout self.base_url = base_url or BASE_URL # set requests to automatically retry retries = Retry(total=10, connect=3, read=3, status=3, status_forcelist=[408, 423, 444, 500, 501, 502, 503, 504, 507, 508, 511, 599], backoff_factor=0.5, raise_on_status=False, remove_headers_on_redirect=[]) adapter = requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries) self.mount(self.base_url, adapter)
[docs] def request(self, method, url, *args, **kwargs): """ Modify the default Session.request to add in the default timeout and make requests relative to the base_url. Users will likely use the standard get and post methods instead of calling this directly. Raises ------ requests.exceptions.HTTPError When an error is encountered in when making the request to the API """ if url.startswith('/'): url = f'{self.base_url}{url}' else: url = f'{self.base_url}/{url}' # set a defautl timeout so we never hang indefinitely if 'timeout' not in kwargs: kwargs['timeout'] = self.default_timeout result = super().request(method, url, *args, **kwargs) if result.status_code >= 400: raise requests.exceptions.HTTPError( f'{result.status_code} API Request Error: {result.reason} for ' f'url: {result.url} and text: {result.text}', response=result) return result
def _process_site_dict(self, site_dict): if ( site_dict.get('modeling_parameters', {}).get( 'tracking_type', '') in ('fixed', 'single_axis') ): return datamodel.SolarPowerPlant.from_dict(site_dict) else: return datamodel.Site.from_dict(site_dict)
[docs] def get_site(self, site_id): """ Retrieve site metadata for site_id from the API and process into the proper model. Parameters ---------- site_id : string UUID of the site to retrieve metadata for Returns ------- datamodel.Site or datamodel.SolarPowerPlant Dataclass with all the metadata for the site depending on if the Site is a power plant with modeling parameters or not. """ req = self.get(f'/sites/{site_id}') site_dict = req.json() return self._process_site_dict(site_dict)
[docs] def list_sites(self): """ List all the sites available to a user. Returns ------- list of datamodel.Sites and datamodel.SolarPowerPlants """ req = self.get('/sites/') return [self._process_site_dict(site_dict) for site_dict in req.json()]
[docs] def list_sites_in_zone(self, zone): """ List all the sites available to a user in the given climate zone. Parameters ---------- zone : str Returns ------- list of datamodel.Sites and datamodel.SolarPowerPlants """ req = self.get(f'/sites/in/{zone}') return [self._process_site_dict(site_dict) for site_dict in req.json()]
[docs] def search_climatezones(self, latitude, longitude): """ Find all climate zones that the location is in. Parameters ---------- latitude : float, degrees North longitude : float, degrees East of the Prime Meridian Returns ------- list A list of the climate zones the location is in """ req = self.get('/climatezones/search', params={'latitude': latitude, 'longitude': longitude}) return [r['name'] for r in req.json()]
[docs] def create_site(self, site): """ Create a new site in the API with the given Site model Parameters ---------- site : datamodel.Site or datamodel.SolarPowerPlant Site to create in the API Returns ------- datamodel.Site or datamodel.SolarPowerPlant With the appropriate parameters such as site_id set by the API """ site_dict = site.to_dict() for k in ('site_id', 'provider', 'climate_zones'): site_dict.pop(k, None) site_json = json.dumps(site_dict) req ='/sites/', data=site_json, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) new_id = req.text return self.get_site(new_id)
[docs] def get_observation(self, observation_id): """ Get the metadata from the API for the a given observation_id in an Observation object. Parameters ---------- observation_id : string UUID of the observation to retrieve Returns ------- datamodel.Observation """ req = self.get(f'/observations/{observation_id}/metadata') obs_dict = req.json() site = self.get_site(obs_dict['site_id']) obs_dict['site'] = site return datamodel.Observation.from_dict(obs_dict)
[docs] def list_observations(self): """ List the observations a user has access to. Returns ------- list of datamodel.Observation """ req = self.get('/observations/') obs_dicts = req.json() if isinstance(obs_dicts, dict): obs_dicts = [obs_dicts] if len(obs_dicts) == 0: return [] sites = {site.site_id: site for site in self.list_sites()} out = [] for obs_dict in obs_dicts: obs_dict['site'] = sites.get(obs_dict['site_id']) out.append(datamodel.Observation.from_dict(obs_dict)) return out
[docs] def create_observation(self, observation): """ Create a new observation in the API with the given Observation model Parameters ---------- observation : datamodel.Observation Observation to create in the API Returns ------- datamodel.Observation With the appropriate parameters such as observation_id set by the API """ obs_dict = observation.to_dict() obs_dict.pop('observation_id') obs_dict.pop('provider') site = obs_dict.pop('site') obs_dict['site_id'] = site['site_id'] obs_json = json.dumps(obs_dict) req ='/observations/', data=obs_json, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) new_id = req.text return self.get_observation(new_id)
def _process_fx(self, fx_dict, sites={}): if fx_dict['site_id'] is not None: if fx_dict['site_id'] in sites: fx_dict['site'] = sites[fx_dict['site_id']] else: fx_dict['site'] = self.get_site(fx_dict['site_id']) elif fx_dict['aggregate_id'] is not None: fx_dict['aggregate'] = self.get_aggregate(fx_dict['aggregate_id']) if fx_dict['variable'] == "event": return datamodel.EventForecast.from_dict(fx_dict) else: return datamodel.Forecast.from_dict(fx_dict)
[docs] def get_forecast(self, forecast_id): """ Get Forecast metadata from the API for the given forecast_id Parameters ---------- forecast_id : string UUID of the forecast to get metadata for Returns ------- datamodel.Forecast """ req = self.get(f'/forecasts/single/{forecast_id}/metadata') fx_dict = req.json() return self._process_fx(fx_dict)
[docs] def list_forecasts(self): """ List all Forecasts a user has access to. Returns ------- list of datamodel.Forecast """ req = self.get('/forecasts/single/') fx_dicts = req.json() if isinstance(fx_dicts, dict): fx_dicts = [fx_dicts] if len(fx_dicts) == 0: return [] sites = {site.site_id: site for site in self.list_sites()} out = [] for fx_dict in fx_dicts: out.append(self._process_fx(fx_dict, sites=sites)) return out
[docs] def create_forecast(self, forecast): """ Create a new forecast in the API with the given Forecast model Parameters ---------- forecast : datamodel.Forecast Forecast to create in the API Returns ------- datamodel.Forecast With the appropriate parameters such as forecast_id set by the API """ fx_dict = forecast.to_dict() fx_dict.pop('forecast_id') fx_dict.pop('provider') site = fx_dict.pop('site') agg = fx_dict.pop('aggregate') if site is None and agg is not None: fx_dict['aggregate_id'] = agg['aggregate_id'] else: fx_dict['site_id'] = site['site_id'] fx_json = json.dumps(fx_dict) req ='/forecasts/single/', data=fx_json, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) new_id = req.text return self.get_forecast(new_id)
def _process_prob_forecast(self, fx_dict, sites={}): if fx_dict['site_id'] is not None: if fx_dict['site_id'] in sites: fx_dict['site'] = sites[fx_dict['site_id']] else: fx_dict['site'] = self.get_site(fx_dict['site_id']) elif fx_dict['aggregate_id'] is not None: fx_dict['aggregate'] = self.get_aggregate(fx_dict['aggregate_id']) cvs = [] for constant_value_dict in fx_dict['constant_values']: # the API just gets the groups attributes for the # single constant value forecasts, so avoid # those excess calls cv_dict = fx_dict.copy() cv_dict.update(constant_value_dict) cvs.append( datamodel.ProbabilisticForecastConstantValue.from_dict( cv_dict)) fx_dict['constant_values'] = cvs return datamodel.ProbabilisticForecast.from_dict(fx_dict)
[docs] def list_probabilistic_forecasts(self): """ List all ProbabilisticForecasts a user has access to. Returns ------- list of datamodel.ProbabilisticForecast """ req = self.get('/forecasts/cdf/') fx_dicts = req.json() if isinstance(fx_dicts, dict): fx_dicts = [fx_dicts] if len(fx_dicts) == 0: return [] sites = {site.site_id: site for site in self.list_sites()} out = [] for fx_dict in fx_dicts: out.append(self._process_prob_forecast(fx_dict, sites)) return out
[docs] def get_probabilistic_forecast(self, forecast_id): """ Get ProbabilisticForecast metadata from the API for the given forecast_id. Parameters ---------- forecast_id : string UUID of the forecast to get metadata for Returns ------- datamodel.ProbabilisticForecast """ # add /metadata after # req = self.get(f'/forecasts/cdf/{forecast_id}') fx_dict = req.json() return self._process_prob_forecast(fx_dict)
[docs] def get_probabilistic_forecast_constant_value(self, forecast_id, site=None, aggregate=None): """ Get ProbabilisticForecastConstantValue metadata from the API for the given forecast_id. Parameters ---------- forecast_id : string UUID of the forecast to get metadata for site : datamodel.Site or None If provided, the object will be attached to the returned value (faster). If None, object will be created from site metadata obtained from the database (slower). aggregate : datamodel.Aggregate or None If provided and the forecast is of an aggregate, the object will be attached to the return value. Returns ------- datamodel.ProbabilisticForecastConstantValue Raises ------ ValueError If provided site.site_id does not match database record of forecast object's linked site_id. """ # add /metadata after # req = self.get(f'/forecasts/cdf/single/{forecast_id}') fx_dict = req.json() agg_id = fx_dict['aggregate_id'] site_id = fx_dict['site_id'] if site_id is not None: if site is None: site = self.get_site(site_id) elif site.site_id != site_id: raise ValueError('Supplied site.site_id does not match site_id' f'from database. site.site_id: {site.site_id}' f' database site_id: {site_id}') fx_dict['site'] = site elif agg_id is not None: if aggregate is None: aggregate = self.get_aggregate(agg_id) elif aggregate.aggregate_id != agg_id: raise ValueError( 'Supplied aggregate.aggregate_id does not match ' 'aggregate from database. aggregate.aggregate_id: ' f'{aggregate.aggregate_id}' f' database aggregate_id: {agg_id}') fx_dict['aggregate'] = aggregate return datamodel.ProbabilisticForecastConstantValue.from_dict(fx_dict)
[docs] def create_probabilistic_forecast(self, forecast): """ Create a new forecast in the API with the given ProbabilisticForecast model Parameters ---------- forecast : datamodel.ProbabilisticForecast Probabilistic forecast to create in the API Returns ------- datamodel.ProbabilisticForecast With the appropriate parameters such as forecast_id set by the API """ fx_dict = forecast.to_dict() fx_dict.pop('forecast_id') fx_dict.pop('provider') site = fx_dict.pop('site') agg = fx_dict.pop('aggregate') if site is None and agg is not None: fx_dict['aggregate_id'] = agg['aggregate_id'] else: fx_dict['site_id'] = site['site_id'] # fx_dict['constant_values'] is tuple of dict representations of # all ProbabilisticForecastConstantValue objects in the # ProbabilisticForecast. We need to extract just the numeric # values from these dicts and put them into a list for the API. constant_values_fxs = fx_dict.pop('constant_values') constant_values = [fx['constant_value'] for fx in constant_values_fxs] fx_dict['constant_values'] = constant_values fx_json = json.dumps(fx_dict) req ='/forecasts/cdf/', data=fx_json, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) new_id = req.text return self.get_probabilistic_forecast(new_id)
[docs] def get_observation_time_range(self, observation_id): """ Get the minimum and maximum timestamps for observation values. Parameters ---------- observation_id : string UUID of the observation object. Returns ------- tuple of (pandas.Timestamp, pandas.Timestamp) The minimum and maximum timestamps for values of the observation. Values without an explicit timezone from the API are assumed to be UTC. """ req = self.get(f'/observations/{observation_id}/values/timerange') data = req.json() mint = pd.Timestamp(data['min_timestamp']) if mint.tzinfo is None and pd.notna(mint): mint = mint.tz_localize('UTC') maxt = pd.Timestamp(data['max_timestamp']) if maxt.tzinfo is None and pd.notna(maxt): maxt = maxt.tz_localize('UTC') return mint, maxt
def _process_gaps(self, url, start, end): req = self.get(url, params={'start': start, 'end': end}) gaps = req.json() out = [] for g in gaps['gaps']: tstamp = pd.Timestamp(g['timestamp']) nextstamp = pd.Timestamp(g['next_timestamp']) # results should never be null, but skip anyway if pd.isna(tstamp) or pd.isna(nextstamp): continue # pragma: no cover if tstamp.tzinfo is None: tstamp = tstamp.tz_localize('UTC') if nextstamp.tzinfo is None: nextstamp = nextstamp.tz_localize('UTC') out.append((tstamp, nextstamp)) return out def _fixup_gaps(self, timerange, gaps, start, end): out = [] if pd.isna(timerange[0]) or pd.isna(timerange[1]): return [(start, end)] else: if timerange[0] > start: if end < timerange[0]: return [(start, end)] else: out.append((start, timerange[0])) if timerange[1] < end: if start > timerange[1]: return [(start, end)] else: out.append((timerange[1], end)) if len(gaps) != 0: if gaps[0][0] < start: gaps[0] = (start, gaps[0][1]) if gaps[-1][1] > end: gaps[-1] = (gaps[-1][0], end) out.extend(gaps) return list(merge_ranges(out))
[docs] @ensure_timestamps('start', 'end') def get_observation_value_gaps(self, observation_id, start, end): """Get any gaps in observation data from start to end. In addition to querying the /observations/{observation_id}/values/gaps endpoint, this function also queries the observation timerange to return all gaps from start to end. Parameters ---------- observation_id : string UUID of the observation object. start : timelike object Start time in interval to retrieve values for end : timelike object End time of the interval Returns ------- list of (pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp) Of (start, end) gaps in the observations from the last timestamp of a valid observation to the next valid observation timestamp. Interval label is not accounted for. """ gaps = self._process_gaps( f'/observations/{observation_id}/values/gaps', start, end) trange = self.get_observation_time_range(observation_id) return self._fixup_gaps(trange, gaps, start, end)
[docs] @ensure_timestamps('start', 'end') def get_observation_values_not_flagged( self, observation_id, start, end, flag, timezone='UTC'): """ Get the dates where the observation series is NOT flagged with the given flag/bitmask. Parameters ---------- observation_id : string UUID of the observation object. start : timelike object Start time in interval to retrieve values for end : timelike object End time of the interval flag : int Days that are not flagged with this flag are returned. This can be a compound flag/bitmask of the flags found in :py:mod:`solarforecastarbiter.validation.quality_mapping`, in which case days that do not have all flags present are returned. timezone : str, default "UTC" The timezone to localize the data before computing the date Returns ------- dates : numpy.array of type datetime64[D] """ req = self.get(f'/observations/{observation_id}/values/unflagged', params={'start': start, 'end': end, 'timezone': timezone, 'flag': flag}) data = req.json() dates = data['dates'] return np.array([ for d in dates], dtype='datetime64[D]')
[docs] @ensure_timestamps('start', 'end') def get_observation_values( self, observation_id, start, end, interval_label=None, request_limit=GET_VALUES_LIMIT): """ Get observation values from start to end for observation_id from the API Parameters ---------- observation_id : string UUID of the observation object. start : timelike object Start time in interval to retrieve values for end : timelike object End time of the interval interval_label : str or None If beginning, ending, adjust the data to return only data that is valid between start and end. If None or instant, return any data between start and end inclusive of the endpoints. request_limit : string Timedelta string describing maximum request length. Defaults to 365 days. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame With a datetime index and (value, quality_flag) columns Raises ------ ValueError If start or end cannot be converted into a Pandas Timestamp """ out = self.chunk_value_requests( f'/observations/{observation_id}/values', start, end, parse_fn=json_payload_to_observation_df, request_limit=request_limit, ) return adjust_timeseries_for_interval_label( out, interval_label, start, end)
[docs] def get_forecast_time_range(self, forecast_id): """ Get the miniumum and maximum timestamps for forecast values. Parameters ---------- forecast_id : string UUID of the forecast object. Returns ------- tuple of (pandas.Timestamp, pandas.Timestamp) The minimum and maximum timestamps for values of the forecast. Values without an explicit timezone from the API are assumed to be UTC. """ req = self.get(f'/forecasts/single/{forecast_id}/values/timerange') data = req.json() mint = pd.Timestamp(data['min_timestamp']) if mint.tzinfo is None and pd.notna(mint): mint = mint.tz_localize('UTC') maxt = pd.Timestamp(data['max_timestamp']) if maxt.tzinfo is None and pd.notna(maxt): maxt = maxt.tz_localize('UTC') return mint, maxt
[docs] @ensure_timestamps('start', 'end') def get_forecast_value_gaps(self, forecast_id, start, end): """Get any gaps in forecast data from start to end. In addition to querying the /forecasts/single/{forecast_id}/values/gaps endpoint, this function also queries the forecast timerange to return all gaps from start to end. Parameters ---------- forecast_id : string UUID of the forecast object. start : timelike object Start time in interval to retrieve values for end : timelike object End time of the interval Returns ------- list of (pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp) Of (start, end) gaps in the forecasts """ gaps = self._process_gaps( f'/forecasts/single/{forecast_id}/values/gaps', start, end) trange = self.get_forecast_time_range(forecast_id) return self._fixup_gaps(trange, gaps, start, end)
[docs] @ensure_timestamps('start', 'end') def get_forecast_values(self, forecast_id, start, end, interval_label=None, request_limit=GET_VALUES_LIMIT): """ Get forecast values from start to end for forecast_id Parameters ---------- forecast_id : string UUID of the forecast object start : timelike object Start of the interval to retrieve values for end : timelike object End of the interval interval_label : str or None If beginning, ending, adjust the data to return only data that is valid between start and end. If None or instant, return any data between start and end inclusive of the endpoints. request_limit : string Timedelta string describing maximum request length. Defaults to 365 days. Returns ------- pandas.Series With the forecast values and a datetime index Raises ------ ValueError If start or end cannot be converted into a Pandas Timestamp """ out = self.chunk_value_requests( f'/forecasts/single/{forecast_id}/values', start, end, json_payload_to_forecast_series, request_limit=request_limit ) return adjust_timeseries_for_interval_label( out, interval_label, start, end)
[docs] def get_probabilistic_forecast_constant_value_time_range( self, forecast_id): """ Get the miniumum and maximum timestamps for forecast values. Parameters ---------- forecast_id : string UUID of the constant value forecast object. Returns ------- tuple of (pandas.Timestamp, pandas.Timestamp) The minimum and maximum timestamps for values of the forecast. Values without an explicit timezone from the API are assumed to be UTC. """ req = self.get(f'/forecasts/cdf/single/{forecast_id}/values/timerange') data = req.json() mint = pd.Timestamp(data['min_timestamp']) if mint.tzinfo is None and pd.notna(mint): mint = mint.tz_localize('UTC') maxt = pd.Timestamp(data['max_timestamp']) if maxt.tzinfo is None and pd.notna(maxt): maxt = maxt.tz_localize('UTC') return mint, maxt
[docs] @ensure_timestamps('start', 'end') def get_probabilistic_forecast_constant_value_value_gaps( self, forecast_id, start, end): """Get any gaps in forecast data from start to end. In addition to querying the /forecasts/cdf/single/{forecast_id}/values/gaps endpoint, this function also queries the forecast timerange to return all gaps from start to end. Parameters ---------- forecast_id : string UUID of the forecast object. start : timelike object Start time in interval to retrieve values for end : timelike object End time of the interval Returns ------- list of (pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp) Of (start, end) gaps in the forecasts """ gaps = self._process_gaps( f'/forecasts/cdf/single/{forecast_id}/values/gaps', start, end) trange = self.get_probabilistic_forecast_constant_value_time_range( forecast_id) return self._fixup_gaps(trange, gaps, start, end)
[docs] @ensure_timestamps('start', 'end') def get_probabilistic_forecast_constant_value_values( self, forecast_id, start, end, interval_label=None, request_limit=GET_VALUES_LIMIT): """ Get forecast values from start to end for forecast_id Parameters ---------- forecast_id : string UUID of the forecast object constant_value : string The variable value or percentile. start : timelike object Start of the interval to retrieve values for end : timelike object End of the interval interval_label : str or None If beginning, ending, adjust the data to return only data that is valid between start and end. If None or instant, return any data between start and end inclusive of the endpoints. request_limit : string Timedelta string describing maximum request length. Defaults to 365 days. Returns ------- pandas.Series With the forecast values and a datetime index Raises ------ ValueError If start or end cannot be converted into a Pandas Timestamp """ out = self.chunk_value_requests( f'/forecasts/cdf/single/{forecast_id}/values', start, end, json_payload_to_forecast_series, request_limit=request_limit, ) return adjust_timeseries_for_interval_label( out, interval_label, start, end)
[docs] @ensure_timestamps('start', 'end') def get_probabilistic_forecast_value_gaps( self, forecast_id, start, end): """Get any gaps in forecast data from start to end. In addition to querying the /forecasts/cdf/{forecast_id}/values/gaps endpoint, this function also queries the forecast timerange of the first constant value only to return all gaps from start to end. Parameters ---------- forecast_id : string UUID of the forecast object. start : timelike object Start time in interval to retrieve values for end : timelike object End time of the interval Returns ------- list of (pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp) Of (start, end) gaps in the forecasts """ gaps = self._process_gaps( f'/forecasts/cdf/{forecast_id}/values/gaps', start, end) prob_fx = self.get_probabilistic_forecast(forecast_id) trange = self.get_probabilistic_forecast_constant_value_time_range( prob_fx.constant_values[0].forecast_id) return self._fixup_gaps(trange, gaps, start, end)
[docs] @ensure_timestamps('start', 'end') def get_probabilistic_forecast_values( self, forecast_id, start, end, interval_label=None, request_limit=GET_VALUES_LIMIT): """ Get all probabilistic forecast values for each from start to end for forecast_id Parameters ---------- forecast_id : string UUID of the forecast object start : timelike object Start of the interval to retrieve values for end : timelike object End of the interval interval_label : str or None If beginning, ending, adjust the data to return only data that is valid between start and end. If None or instant, return any data between start and end inclusive of the endpoints. request_limit : string Timedelta string describing maximum request length. Defaults to 365 days. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame With the forecast values in each column with column names as the constant value and a datetime index Raises ------ ValueError If start or end cannot be converted into a Pandas Timestamp """ df_dict = {} prob_fx = self.get_probabilistic_forecast(forecast_id) for cv in prob_fx.constant_values: df_dict[str(cv.constant_value)] = \ self.get_probabilistic_forecast_constant_value_values( forecast_id=cv.forecast_id, start=start, end=end, interval_label=interval_label, request_limit=request_limit) return pd.DataFrame(df_dict)
[docs] def post_observation_values(self, observation_id, observation_df, params=None): """ Upload the given observation values to the appropriate observation_id of the API. Parameters ---------- observation_id : string UUID of the observation to add values for observation_df : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe with a datetime index and the (required) value and quality_flag columns to upload to the API. params : dict, list, string, default None Parameters passed through POST request. Types are the same as Requests <> """ # NOQA json_vals = observation_df_to_json_payload(observation_df)'/observations/{observation_id}/values', data=json_vals, params=params, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
[docs] def post_forecast_values(self, forecast_id, forecast_series): """ Upload the given forecast values to the appropriate forecast_id of the API Parameters ---------- forecast_id : string UUID of the forecast to upload values to forecast_obj : pandas.Series Pandas series with a datetime index that contains the values to upload to the API """ json_vals = forecast_object_to_json(forecast_series)'/forecasts/single/{forecast_id}/values', data=json_vals, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
[docs] def post_probabilistic_forecast_constant_value_values(self, forecast_id, forecast_series): """ Upload the given forecast values to the appropriate forecast_id of the API Parameters ---------- forecast_id : string UUID of the forecast to upload values to forecast_obj : pandas.Series Pandas series with a datetime index that contains the values to upload to the API """ json_vals = forecast_object_to_json(forecast_series)'/forecasts/cdf/single/{forecast_id}/values', data=json_vals, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
[docs] def process_report_dict(self, rep_dict): """ Load parameters from rep_dict into a Report object, getting forecasts and observations as necessary Parameters ---------- rep_dict : dict Report dictionary as posted to the the API. See the API schema for details Returns ------- datamodel.Report """ rep_params = rep_dict['report_parameters'].copy() req_dict = {} for key in ('report_id', 'status', 'provider'): req_dict[key] = rep_dict.get(key, '') pairs = [] for o in rep_params['object_pairs']: fx_type = o.get('forecast_type', 'forecast') fx_method = self._forecast_get_by_type(fx_type) fx = fx_method(o['forecast']) norm = o.get('normalization') unc = o.get('uncertainty') cost = o.get('cost') ref_fx = o.get('reference_forecast') if ref_fx is not None: ref_fx = fx_method(ref_fx) if 'observation' in o: obs = self.get_observation(o['observation']) pair = datamodel.ForecastObservation( fx, obs, normalization=norm, uncertainty=unc, reference_forecast=ref_fx, cost=cost) elif 'aggregate' in o: agg = self.get_aggregate(o['aggregate']) pair = datamodel.ForecastAggregate( fx, agg, normalization=norm, uncertainty=unc, reference_forecast=ref_fx, cost=cost) else: raise ValueError('must provide observation or aggregate in all' 'object_pairs') pairs.append(pair) rep_params['object_pairs'] = tuple(pairs) req_dict['report_parameters'] = rep_params return datamodel.Report.from_dict(req_dict)
[docs] def get_report(self, report_id): """ Get the metadata, and possible raw report if it has processed, from the API for the given report_id in a Report object. Parameters ---------- report_id : string UUID of the report to retrieve Returns ------- datamodel.Report """ req = self.get(f'/reports/{report_id}') resp = req.json() raw = resp.pop('raw_report', None) report = self.process_report_dict(resp) if raw is not None: raw_report = datamodel.RawReport.from_dict(raw) processed_fxobs = self.get_raw_report_processed_data( report_id, raw_report, resp['values']) report = report.replace(raw_report=raw_report.replace( processed_forecasts_observations=processed_fxobs)) return report
[docs] def list_reports(self): """ List the reports a user has access to. Does not load the raw report data, use :py:meth:`~.APISession.get_report`. Returns ------- list of datamodel.Report """ req = self.get('/reports') rep_dicts = req.json() if isinstance(rep_dicts, dict): rep_dicts = [rep_dicts] if len(rep_dicts) == 0: return [] out = [] for rep_dict in rep_dicts: out.append(self.process_report_dict(rep_dict)) return out
[docs] def create_report(self, report): """ Post the report request to the API. A completed report should post the raw_report with :py:meth:`~.APISession.post_raw_report`. Parameters ---------- report : datamodel.Report Returns ------- datamodel.Report As returned by the API """ report_params = report.report_parameters.to_dict() fxobs = report_params.pop('object_pairs') object_pairs = [] for _fo in fxobs: d = {'forecast': _fo['forecast']['forecast_id']} if 'aggregate' in _fo: d['aggregate'] = _fo['aggregate']['aggregate_id'] else: d['observation'] = _fo['observation']['observation_id'] if _fo['reference_forecast'] is not None: d['reference_forecast'] = \ _fo['reference_forecast']['forecast_id'] if (_fo['normalization'] is not None and ~np.isnan(_fo['normalization'])): d['normalization'] = str(_fo['normalization']) if _fo['uncertainty'] is not None: d['uncertainty'] = str(_fo['uncertainty']) if _fo['cost'] is not None: d['cost'] = _fo['cost'] object_pairs.append(d) report_params['object_pairs'] = object_pairs params = {'report_parameters': report_params} req ='/reports/', json=params, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) new_id = req.text return self.get_report(new_id)
[docs] def post_raw_report_processed_data(self, report_id, raw_report): """ Post the processed data that was used to make the report to the API. Parameters ---------- report_id : str ID of the report to post values to raw_report : datamodel.RawReport The raw report object with processed_forecasts_observations Returns ------- tuple of datamodel.ProcessedForecastObservation with `forecast_values` and `observations_values` replaced with report value IDs for later retrieval """ posted_fxobs = [] for fxobs in raw_report.processed_forecasts_observations: fx_data = { 'object_id': fxobs.original.forecast.forecast_id, 'processed_values': serialize_timeseries( fxobs.forecast_values)} fx_post = f'/reports/{report_id}/values', json=fx_data, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) if isinstance(fxobs.original, datamodel.ForecastObservation): obj_id = fxobs.original.observation.observation_id else: obj_id = fxobs.original.aggregate.aggregate_id obs_data = { 'object_id': obj_id, 'processed_values': serialize_timeseries( fxobs.observation_values)} obs_post = f'/reports/{report_id}/values', json=obs_data, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) if fxobs.original.reference_forecast is not None: ref_fx_data = { 'object_id': fxobs.original.reference_forecast.forecast_id, 'processed_values': serialize_timeseries( fxobs.reference_forecast_values)} ref_fx_post = f'/reports/{report_id}/values', json=ref_fx_data, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) processed_ref_fx_id = ref_fx_post.text else: processed_ref_fx_id = None processed_fx_id = fx_post.text processed_obs_id = obs_post.text new_fxobs = fxobs.replace( forecast_values=processed_fx_id, observation_values=processed_obs_id, reference_forecast_values=processed_ref_fx_id) posted_fxobs.append(new_fxobs) return tuple(posted_fxobs)
[docs] def get_raw_report_processed_data(self, report_id, raw_report, values=None): """ Load the processed forecast/observation data into the datamodel.ProcessedForecastObservation objects of the raw_report. Parameters ---------- report_id : str ID of the report that values will be loaded from raw_report : datamodel.RawReport The raw report with processed_forecasts_observations to be replaced values : list or None The report values dict as returned by the API. If None, fetch the values from the API for the given report_id Returns ------- tuple Of datamodel.ProcessedForecastObservation with values loaded into `forecast_values` and `observation_values` """ if values is None: val_req = self.get(f'/reports/{report_id}/values') values = val_req.json() return load_report_values(raw_report, values)
[docs] def post_raw_report(self, report_id, raw_report, status='complete'): """ Update the report with the raw report and metrics Parameters ---------- report_id : str ID of the report to update raw_report : datamodel.RawReport The raw report object to add to the report status : str, default 'complete' The new status of the report """ posted_fxobs = self.post_raw_report_processed_data( report_id, raw_report) raw_dict = raw_report.replace( processed_forecasts_observations=posted_fxobs).to_dict()'/reports/{report_id}/raw', json=raw_dict, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) self.update_report_status(report_id, status)
[docs] def update_report_status(self, report_id, status): """ Update the status of the report Parameters ---------- report_id : str ID of the report to update status : str New status of the report """'/reports/{report_id}/status/{status}')
[docs] def get_aggregate(self, aggregate_id): """ Get Aggregate metadata from the API for the given aggregate_id Parameters ---------- aggregate_id : string UUID of the aggregate to get metadata for Returns ------- datamodel.Aggregate """ req = self.get(f'/aggregates/{aggregate_id}/metadata') agg_dict = req.json() for o in agg_dict['observations']: o['observation'] = self.get_observation(o['observation_id']) return datamodel.Aggregate.from_dict(agg_dict)
[docs] def list_aggregates(self): """ List all Aggregates a user has access to. Returns ------- list of datamodel.Aggregate """ req = self.get('/aggregates/') agg_dicts = req.json() if isinstance(agg_dicts, dict): agg_dicts = [agg_dicts] if len(agg_dicts) == 0: return [] observations = {obs.observation_id: obs for obs in self.list_observations()} out = [] for agg_dict in agg_dicts: for o in agg_dict['observations']: o['observation'] = observations.get(o['observation_id']) out.append(datamodel.Aggregate.from_dict(agg_dict)) return out
[docs] def create_aggregate(self, aggregate): """ Create a new aggregate in the API with the given Aggregate model Parameters ---------- aggregate : datamodel.Aggregate Aggregate to create in the API Returns ------- datamodel.Aggregate With the parameters aggregate_id and provider set by the API. """ agg_dict = aggregate.to_dict() agg_dict.pop('aggregate_id') agg_dict.pop('provider') agg_dict.pop('interval_value_type') observations = [] for obs in agg_dict.pop('observations'): if obs['effective_from'] is not None: observations.append( {'observation_id': obs['observation']['observation_id'], 'effective_from': obs['effective_from']}) if obs['effective_until'] is not None: observations.append( {'observation_id': obs['observation']['observation_id'], 'effective_until': obs['effective_until']}) agg_json = json.dumps(agg_dict) req ='/aggregates/', data=agg_json, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) new_id = req.text obs_json = json.dumps({'observations': observations})'/aggregates/{new_id}/metadata', data=obs_json, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) return self.get_aggregate(new_id)
[docs] @ensure_timestamps('start', 'end') def get_aggregate_values( self, aggregate_id, start, end, interval_label=None, request_limit=GET_VALUES_LIMIT): """ Get aggregate values from start to end for aggregate_id from the API Parameters ---------- aggregate_id : string UUID of the aggregate object. start : timelike object Start time in interval to retrieve values for end : timelike object End time of the interval interval_label : str or None If beginning or ending, return only data that is valid between start and end. If None, return any data between start and end inclusive of the endpoints. request_limit : string Timedelta string describing maximum request length. Defaults to 365 days. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame With a datetime index and (value, quality_flag) columns Raises ------ ValueError If start or end cannot be converted into a Pandas Timestamp """ out = self.chunk_value_requests( f'/aggregates/{aggregate_id}/values', start, end, json_payload_to_observation_df, request_limit=request_limit, ) return adjust_timeseries_for_interval_label( out, interval_label, start, end)
[docs] @ensure_timestamps('start', 'end') def get_values(self, obj, start, end, interval_label=None, request_limit=GET_VALUES_LIMIT): """ Get time series values from start to end for object from the API Parameters ---------- obj : datamodel.Observation, datamodel.Aggregate, datamodel.Forecast, datamodel.ProbabilisticForecastConstantValues Data model object for which to obtain time series data. start : timelike object Start time in interval to retrieve values for end : timelike object End time of the interval interval_label : str or None If beginning or ending, return only data that is valid between start and end. If None, return any data between start and end inclusive of the endpoints. request_limit : string Timedelta string describing maximum request length. Defaults to 365 days. Returns ------- pandas.Series or pandas.DataFrame With a datetime index. If DataFrame, (value, quality_flag) columns Raises ------ ValueError If start or end cannot be converted into a Pandas Timestamp """ # noqa: E501 # order avoids possible issues with inheritance if isinstance(obj, datamodel.ProbabilisticForecastConstantValue): f = self.get_probabilistic_forecast_constant_value_values obj_id = obj.forecast_id elif isinstance(obj, datamodel.ProbabilisticForecast): f = self.get_probabilistic_forecast_values obj_id = obj.forecast_id elif isinstance(obj, datamodel.Forecast): f = self.get_forecast_values obj_id = obj.forecast_id elif isinstance(obj, datamodel.Aggregate): f = self.get_aggregate_values obj_id = obj.aggregate_id elif isinstance(obj, datamodel.Observation): f = self.get_observation_values obj_id = obj.observation_id return f(obj_id, start, end, interval_label=interval_label, request_limit=request_limit)
[docs] @ensure_timestamps('start', 'end') def get_value_gaps(self, obj, start, end): """ Get gaps in the time series values from start to end for object from the API. Parameters ---------- obj : datamodel.Observation, datamodel.Forecast, datamodel.ProbabilisticForecastConstantValues, datamodel.ProbabilisticForecast Data model object for which to obtain time series data. start : timelike object Start time in interval to retrieve values for end : timelike object End time of the interval Returns ------- list of (pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp) Of (start, end) gaps in the values from the last timestamp of a valid value to the next valid timestamp. Interval label is not accounted for. Raises ------ ValueError If start or end cannot be converted into a Pandas Timestamp TypeError If an invalid type of obj is supplied """ # noqa: E501 # order avoids possible issues with inheritance if isinstance(obj, datamodel.ProbabilisticForecastConstantValue): f = self.get_probabilistic_forecast_constant_value_value_gaps obj_id = obj.forecast_id elif isinstance(obj, datamodel.ProbabilisticForecast): f = self.get_probabilistic_forecast_value_gaps obj_id = obj.forecast_id elif isinstance(obj, datamodel.Forecast): f = self.get_forecast_value_gaps obj_id = obj.forecast_id elif isinstance(obj, datamodel.Observation): f = self.get_observation_value_gaps obj_id = obj.observation_id else: raise TypeError( 'Supplied object needs to be an Observation, Forecast, ' 'ProbabilisticForecast, or ProbabilisticForecastConstantValue') return f(obj_id, start, end)
[docs] def get_user_info(self): """ Get information about the current user from the API Returns ------- dict """ req = self.get('/users/current') return req.json()
def _forecast_get_by_type(self, forecast_type): """Returns the appropriate function for requesting forecast metadata based on `forecast_type`. Parameters ---------- forecast_type: str Returns ------- function """ if forecast_type == 'forecast': return self.get_forecast elif forecast_type == 'event_forecast': return self.get_forecast elif forecast_type == 'probabilistic_forecast': return self.get_probabilistic_forecast elif forecast_type == 'probabilistic_forecast_constant_value': return self.get_probabilistic_forecast_constant_value else: raise ValueError('Invalid forecast type.') def chunk_value_requests( self, api_path, start, end, parse_fn, params={}, request_limit=GET_VALUES_LIMIT): """Breaks up a get requests for values into multiple requests limited by the request_limit argument. Parameters ---------- api_path : str start : pandas.Timestamp end : pandas.Timestamp parse_fn : function A function used to parse json api response into a pandas Series or DataFrame. params : dict Any additional parameters to be passed with the get function. request_limit : string Timedelta string describing maximum request length. Defaults to 365 days. Returns ------- all_data: pandas.DataFrame or pandas.Series The concatenated results of each request when parsed by parse_fn. """ data_objects = [] request_start = start if end - start.tz_convert( > pd.Timedelta(request_limit): # Recurse toward the beginning of the requested period to avoid # needing to sort the result. request_start = end - pd.Timedelta(request_limit) data_objects.append( self.chunk_value_requests( api_path, start, request_start, parse_fn=parse_fn, params=params, request_limit=request_limit, ) ) # Request the remaining data, period < = request_limit parameters = {'start': request_start, 'end': end} parameters.update(params) req = self.get(api_path, params=parameters) data_objects.append(parse_fn(req.json())) all_data = pd.concat(data_objects) # drop duplicate indices all_data = all_data[~all_data.index.duplicated(keep='first')] return all_data